
New Member
Have a 95 spec 110, drove it just before the cold snap and all was ok, since the snow started last weekend and all of a sudden the fuel gauge, temp gauge and wipers aren't working.

Anyone know whether this is likely to be due to the temperature and the basic nature of these vehicles or whether I've got a real problem here.

I rarely use it for more than getting around our land anyway so not really arsed, but wondering if something has failed (coincidentally all at the same time).

I should mention that the fuel and wipers were ok the day before, didn't notice the temp gauge.
Maybe try the wires on the ignition barrel.. On my old 90 someone had fitted an additional wire for the fiel solinoid so if you pulled the aux wire on the ignition barrel it would stop wipers, guages etc.. worth a look for a few screws :)

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