Leaky Landy

New Member
Ive trawlled the forum but cant find anything on this subject, can anyone help. My Mrs has a TD4, on a 52 plate, fine perfect car, just one anoying problem. Putting Diesel in it is and absolute Bitch of a job. Weve tryed all sorts of filling stations, positions for the fill nozzle but it still refuses to take on diesel at anything more than a trickle rate or the nozzles cut out. Its at the point where the pumps sometimes time out before weve managed to get 20quids worth in. A fill up is really an ordeal. Our mechanic has had a look at it and drawn a blank, has anyone else come across this and how did you deal with it?
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Ive trawlled the forum but cant find anything on this subject, can anyone help. My Mrs has a TD4, on a 52 plate, fine perfect car, just one anoying problem. Putting Diesel in it is and absolute Bitch of a job. Weve tryed all sorts of filling stations, positions for the fill nozzle but it still refuses to take on diesel at anything more than a trickle rate or the nozzles cut out. Its at the point where the pumps sometimes time out before weve managed to get 20quids worth in. A fill up is really an ordeal. Our mechanic has had a look at it and drawn a blank, has anyone else come across this and how did you deal with it?
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had freelanders since they were born and never had that problem
The wife's zafira is the same. Some pumps are not too bad but most are flamin useless. Dunno if it's the car or the pumps.
I have experienced it a few times - not sure if it's the pumps/nozzles of a particular station as I fill up at lots of places. When it does happen though I find that pulling the nozzle out a bit (half in half out) seems to work.

Interestingly I filled up with some B30 from a Morrisons recently - took about 10 mins to fill up - not sure if pump was busted or what, but was filling at a very very slow rate!
I had the same problem.
I find that turning the nozzle through 90 degrees so that the grip is pointing rearwards (as is the nozzle in the pipe) solves the problem. The vent from the tank comes up to the front of the filler pipe. Air rising through this hits the incomong fuel which is blown back triggering the cut-off.
By efffectively pointing the nozzle down the rear of the pipe the fuel does not flow over the vent opening (and for me at least) the car fills OK.
Yeah I agree with Vic and Norbet. I will usually have the grip 90 deg to the rear of the car
Thanks for all the usefull answers!:cool:
Ther is a flap at the end of the inlet hose [fuel shut orft incase its rolled in a accident] iwould suggest that this is stuck half way causing a restriction in fuel flow. . . .ram a bit of plastic pipe down it [take it out after]. . .then try agin:) :) :)
I find leaving the nozzle about 2 inches out does the trick. Had a number of Freelanders at work, and they were all the same.
Thanks for this lads, I think Ive probably tried every filler position apart from the one you suggest. We'll have a go and let you know, if it dont work we'll try the ram a bit of plastic pipe routine! Thanks again.

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