Could the auto box be giving problems? If it slips the mpg will suffer.
I think the torque converter should lock up about 50mph, maybe keep an eye on the rpm at the same speed in different circumstances, and compare the results
You can see slip with the rev counter, once you're up to a decent speed and start to cruise it should be fully locked
I've never got the claimed mpg in my TD5 Auto. I was expecting it to be just a bit worse then my 300tdi manual, cos it was an auto. But no,..... a lot worse.
But you could do worse than to clean your MAP/Iat sensor, which made a difference with mine. but I never expect to get much more than 26 mpg with it.
And as others have said, you really need to do a brim to brim test.
And I know getting it to brim is a pain in the ass as the pump clicks off all the time due to fuel backing up in the filler pipe.:rolleyes:
only way to be sure is to brim it every time
You do not have to run it to empty you just need that constant baseline of a brimmed tank
A TD5 manual should do 25 miles to the gallon without too many issues
I reckon you can knock off at least 10% for an auto
Commuting and a boost issue meant I was getting high teens. 20 on a run.

New genuine MAF and shortened the rod to turbo due to no more over flowing, last run 25.
only way to be sure is to brim it every time
You do not have to run it to empty you just need that constant baseline of a brimmed tank
A TD5 manual should do 25 miles to the gallon without too many issues
I reckon you can knock off at least 10% for an auto
My 2004 TD5 Auto does 25 to 27, depending on usage which doesn't seem to have changed in the 3 years I've had it.
You are either calculating it wrong (brim the tanks as suggested) or have a brake caliper stuck on. Common problem on the D2. My auto Td5 with winch, steel bumpers, steering guard, full rack, dual batteries and 245/75 mud tyres does 19mpg around town, so your way off on your figures.
Heard the old story about the guy who had a v8 series for sale? his mate wanted it but was scared of fuel consumption, so seller says tell you what borrow it for a week or two and see how you get on, buyer takes car, seller pops around every night under cover of darkness and sticks a gallon of fuel in the tank, after two weeks the buyer buys the car!
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I kept a spreadsheet for my Disco Td5 fuel consumption.
Never below half tank usually, fill to brim.
Mileage and fuel recorded.
Local was about 21/22 mpg but on long runs travelling at 62/65 I could push 30 on occasions but mostly 28 mpg.
Lot of money to fill a big tank but after that only filling up half a tank.
D2 was first car I ever got 100 quids worth of fuel into, and that was 10 plus years ago!
Only the other day I got 100 quid into the D3s tank for the first time in 6.5 years.
Yep very eggspensive.

Both tanks on the P38 comes to £183 only done that twice though!
I kept a spreadsheet for my Disco Td5 fuel consumption.
Never below half tank usually, fill to brim.
Mileage and fuel recorded.
Local was about 21/22 mpg but on long runs travelling at 62/65 I could push 30 on occasions but mostly 28 mpg.
Lot of money to fill a big tank but after that only filling up half a tank.
I used to do this whenever driving down through France, which is how I know you are on the same consumption as me!
Also proved an auto TD5 drinks more than a manual 300tdi!
But when towing a large box trailer, with the Cd factor of a block of concrete, consumption figures made me cry, nearly!
Heard the old story about the guy who had a v8 series for sale? his mate wanted it but was scared of fuel consumption, so seller says tell you what borrow it for a week or two and see how you get on, buyer takes car, seller pops around every night under cover of darkness and sticks a gallon of fuel in the tank, after two weeks the buyer buys the car!
That's just plain EVIL!
(makes note for possible use in the future...)
I used to do this whenever driving down through France, which is how I know you are on the same consumption as me!
Also proved an auto TD5 drinks more than a manual 300tdi!
But when towing a large box trailer, with the Cd factor of a block of concrete, consumption figures made me cry, nearly!
Discussing fuel economy nearly got me beat up a few years ago.
Me: Citroen ZX TD
Cousin: Volvo 760 saloon 5.7L Chevrolet V8 (ex Cliff Richard car)
Me: fill up tank
Cousin:fills up tank.
Both drive down to Brands Hatch from Redditch, cousin towing a two birth caravan for our tame racing driver's elderly dad to stay in over the weekend.
We have to stop for cousin to refill tank on the way.
Arrive Brands Hatch. The two cars we looked after race.
Exit Brands Hatch after tipping unused race car fuel into Volvo. Drives to first available petrol station, Volvo tops up.
Drives back to Redditch, having to stop on way to refill Volvo.
Arrives back in Redditch, i drive home to Bromsgrove.
During the week we both drive around as normal, to and from homes to work etc. Cousin has to refill during week, i don't. The next weekend we are racing at Croft, Darlington. So early saturday morning i met up to join the convoy north. Cousin had topped up the Volvo again the night before, and off we went. Volvo again towing the two birth and again stopping on the way to refuel the Volvo. Me? I just drove using the same fuel i put in before Brands.
Sunday afternoon after racing he's there topping up the Volvo with unused race fuel. I casually remark to my cousin that i think i'll have to fill up when he does as i don't think i'll quite be able to make it back with what i've got.
He makes some comment about having suspected i was 'full of sh*t' about how economical my car was on fuel.
I asked what he meant?
"You can't even get from Bromsgrove to Croft and back on one tank!"
I started to laugh. "No mate. I can't get from Bromsgrove to Brands Hatch and back, then drive to and from work for a week and THEN drive to Croft and back!" At which point i legged it until he'd calmed down!!!
My TD5 Disco 2 has had all of it's fuel recorded on It's a manual so will get better mpg than an auto and over the 6556 miles that i've covered since owning it i've averaged 29.1mpg. The best and worst tank full i've seen is 36.6 and 26.8mpg. I think the best one was pretty much all motorway over two weekends and the worst was the last one when the headgasket failed. I always brim the tank when i fill it. Sometimes i have to work my way up to doing this as like last time, even when you say it quickly, spending over £90 to fill it up still hurts!
Discussing fuel economy nearly got me beat up a few years ago.
Me: Citroen ZX TD
Cousin: Volvo 760 saloon 5.7L Chevrolet V8 (ex Cliff Richard car)
Me: fill up tank
Cousin:fills up tank.
Both drive down to Brands Hatch from Redditch, cousin towing a two birth caravan for our tame racing driver's elderly dad to stay in over the weekend.
We have to stop for cousin to refill tank on the way.
Arrive Brands Hatch. The two cars we looked after race.
Exit Brands Hatch after tipping unused race car fuel into Volvo. Drives to first available petrol station, Volvo tops up.
Drives back to Redditch, having to stop on way to refill Volvo.
Arrives back in Redditch, i drive home to Bromsgrove.
During the week we both drive around as normal, to and from homes to work etc. Cousin has to refill during week, i don't. The next weekend we are racing at Croft, Darlington. So early saturday morning i met up to join the convoy north. Cousin had topped up the Volvo again the night before, and off we went. Volvo again towing the two birth and again stopping on the way to refuel the Volvo. Me? I just drove using the same fuel i put in before Brands.
Sunday afternoon after racing he's there topping up the Volvo with unused race fuel. I casually remark to my cousin that i think i'll have to fill up when he does as i don't think i'll quite be able to make it back with what i've got.
He makes some comment about having suspected i was 'full of sh*t' about how economical my car was on fuel.
I asked what he meant?
"You can't even get from Bromsgrove to Croft and back on one tank!"
I started to laugh. "No mate. I can't get from Bromsgrove to Brands Hatch and back, then drive to and from work for a week and THEN drive to Croft and back!" At which point i legged it until he'd calmed down!!!
One thing in the favour of Frog cars is that they are often very frugal.
good story tho!!!:):):):)
One thing in the favour of Frog cars is that they are often very frugal.
good story tho!!!:):):):)
To be fair i think most cars that haven't had a 500bhp V8 shoehorned into it are 'frugal'. Those ZXs are highly under rated. It was the first car that i'd ever hit 50mpg + with!
The next most economical i had was my first Seat Ibiza. A 1.9 non turbo car.
I remember driving to Great Yarmouth to collect a kayak i'd bought off ebay. I arrived at the guy's house in this two door car with no roof rack or any other visible means of taking it back. He said he didn't think it would fit inside...
I said no, it's going on the roof, don't worry. I've done this before, and then opened the hatchback and took out a single airbed mattress and started blowing it up.
He disappeared around the side of his house and came back carrying the kayak and laid it next to the car. When i'd inflated the mattress i placed it on the roof and one at each end we placed the kayak on top. I then reached for one of the ratchet straps and fed it through the door openings and over the kayak. The other strap went under the hatchback hinges and over the kayak. I then began to tighten them one at a time until i got the right tension. A balance between tight strap and airbed compression.
This wasn't the first time i'd done this was when i went to collect my previous kayak from a farm in Oxford. The lady there clearly did a lot of kayaking as she had a trailor built to carry several at the same time parked out front, plus a 109 station wagon. She was so shocked when i pulled out the airbed she literally grabbed her two young children and backed away to go back inside telling me that if i needed anything she'd be inside!
After i'd inflated it and was in the process of strapping it down she came out again to say that she was going shopping and if i needed anything that her son was inside and to call him. I thanked her and she drove off. Once i was happy with the kayak i departed. Once i got up to about 30 mph the whole car began to hum and vibrate. As i went faster it got worse and A LOT LOUDER! It could be felt through my body and was horrible!!!
I didn't think it was that loud outside of the car until a chap walking his dog about a hundred yards in ahead of me on the path both suddenly turned to look at me approaching. I was about ten minutes away from the M42 and knew i couldn't stand this all the way home so i pulled over into a layby and grabbing a reel of electrical cable i'd got in the back, tied it th the strap on one side and looped it across and back to stop the ratchet strap from vibrating edge on into the wind. When i collected the kayak from Great Yarmouth i just put a couple of twists into the strap either side of the kayak to prevent this. The guy made sure i'd got his telephone number and made promise to call if there was any problem on the way home. I drove home at a steady 50 and when i worked out what the mpg was after filling up that tank of fuel had done 67.7mpg

I love the performance and economy of modern engines but i sure do miss the simplicty of the cars i had back in the 80s when i started to drive.
My cousin runs his own garage and isn't interested in owning any car made after the mid 90s due to the complications you get with them.

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