Never mind no disrespect nothing, i work in the terminal in grangemouth and other than the premium fuels its all the same if you or anyone else thinks a trunk driver has a magic key that works the factory like a massive soda stream is off their head.

This guy seems to be certain.

I think this thread needs video evidence of various trucks filling from the same tap.

I'm fully sure there is a minefield of bull**** in the road fuel sector, and so would quite happily go along with everyone selling the same shiz.

BUT I would also assume that there would already have been an outcry if it wasn't kosher.

What about shell fuelsave? A massive rebrand and it's the same gear as before?
Never mind no disrespect nothing, i work in the terminal in grangemouth and other than the premium fuels its all the same if you or anyone else thinks a trunk driver has a magic key that works the factory like a massive soda stream is off their head.

Bit like going back to the dark ages then. Perhaps you should ask one of the supervisors to explain what really happens and not just guess. If what you suggest is really happening then I can only suggest that whoever operates your Distribution Terminal should no longer be in business. Perhaps you could be a little more precise in explaining how the product loading system operates or do they just throw buckets of anything into the tankers ?
This guy seems to be certain.

I think this thread needs video evidence of various trucks filling from the same tap.

I'm fully sure there is a minefield of bull**** in the road fuel sector, and so would quite happily go along with everyone selling the same shiz.

BUT I would also assume that there would already have been an outcry if it wasn't kosher.

What about shell fuelsave? A massive rebrand and it's the same gear as before?
Why for heavens sake would you assume that this information is accurate, perhaps 40 odd years ago this may have been the case but fortunately times have moved on. I can only suggest that you approach one of the Major oil companies and ask them for advice, perhaps starting with the Distribution Terminal at Grangemouth which used to be BP. Can I also ask how you know that that Shell Fuelsave ? is the "same gear" or is this just something you have heard.
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Why for heavens sake would you assume that this information is accurate, perhaps 40 odd years ago this may have been the case but fortunately times have moved on. I can only suggest that you approach one of the Major oil companies and ask them for advice, perhaps starting with the Distribution Terminal at Grangemouth which used to be BP. Can I also ask how you know that that Shell Fuelsave ? is the "same gear" or is this just something you have heard.

You may wish to re-read Mr Noisey's post. He was actually agreeing with you and asking for evidence to support what fikwit had posted.:doh::doh::doh:

You missed out the questions marksposted by Mr Noisey in your quote. They make all the difference.;):p
You may wish to re-read Mr Noisey's post. He was actually agreeing with you and asking for evidence to support what fikwit had posted.:doh::doh::doh:

You missed out the questions marksposted by Mr Noisey in your quote. They make all the difference.;):p

Have re-read Mr Noisey's post a few times and all I can see is the part which states "this guy seems to be certain" and that "this thread needs video evidence" hence my asking why he would believe fikwit. As for video evidence, unless you had a intrinsically safe Video recorder suitable for use in a hazardous zone 1/2 area it would be very unlikely (leaving the security issues to one side) for you to obtain permission to film the loading of petroleum products. Sorry if you believe that I was having a go at Mr Noisy but with all the inaccurate information that appears to have been posted on this thread you can become a little touchy (me) no offence was intended.
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Hi guys,

Let's all stay calm, as this is a very interesting and important subject to which we all have something to contribute. Not to mention a possible cash saving or performance benefit from what we discover.

If we stick to what we know for a fact or have observed ourselves then it will be fine. No-one should lose the plot if asked for further evidence!

The problem is there doesn't seem to be any checkable specifications of what actual additives go (or don't go) in which fuel.

nickcc is, in his words, 'touchy' due to the 'rubbish' that has been posted.

fikwit is upset at least, perhaps even angry, to judge from his tone, that anyone doubts that he has the full picture and inside knowledge.

Others are watching and reading with interest as we are all paying ever-increasing outrageous amounts of money (chiefly to HM Gov in Tax) for our fuel, and we all seek to keep costs down.

I want to buy the most efficient fuel I can find - for mpg and performance.

If fikwit is correct this is possibly the biggest, most corrupt, con-trick ever played on the British motorist since the introduction of 'road' tax.

The truth need to be explained or the con exposed.

Play on.
Hello Singvogel

I think it's probably best if I leave this thread to others as no matter what I say is unlikely to be believed by those who prefer to believe that the oil companies are taking us all for a ride even though all responsible suppliers are continually monitored for quality by external auditors (BSI/ISO). I hope the information I have supplied helps others to have a small understanding of the various oil companies storage and distribution systems.

nobody has drawn a conclusion yet.

as i said, its hard to believe that every brand actually sells the same fuel, its just too big an industry to get away with it.

HOWEVER i wouldnt be at all suprised if the truth came out and it was all the same stuff like fikwit indicated.

on the same note, a pal of mine is a landscape gardener and was doing some work at a school. a bin lorry came along and tipped the contents of the four or five different recycling biffa bins in, mixing all the separated waste together. no doubt this was on itas way to the docks to be sent to india for disposal.

its things like this that make you think it could easily be a scam.

i was thinking about this earlier though, say shell potentially are selling the same fuel as tesco. shell sell it for 132.9, tesco sell it for 130.9, i wonder which scenario is more likely and/or correct:

EITHER shell cannot be selling the same fuel as tesco because their fuel costs more. therefore they have to charge more at the pumps. if they could lower their price to compete with tesco then im sure they would love to, but the additives push the price up, and it is these additives which make shell fuel what it is.

OR shell are in fact selling the same fuel as tesco, they simply raise their price to make people believe it must be a better fuel. by the same token, perhaps tesco reduce their price to encourage people to buy from them as opposed to selling at the same rate as shell.

which one is more likely?

im not sure. the prevailing thought in my mind, which applies to everything is that you only get what you pay for in this world.

you might not know what youre paying for, you might not be told or you might not ask, but if you are paying more money you will get a better product. the reverse is that of you pay less there is no possible way you can get as good a product as the more expensive option (certainly in a such a fiercely price checked market such as the road fuel market)

no matter how many times you try you cannot disprove this theory, because that is what makes the world go round.
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Do the various comments on the first 5 pages about people experiencing better fuel efficiency, less smoke, smoother running etc etc not count for anything?!
For a kick off, any fuel filters I've had changed in the past after being ran on V-Power come off looking as if they're near new!

I for one notice a huge difference and don't believe for 1 second that all the fuel comes out of the same pot.
Complete and utter bollox. :mad:

All hail Nickcc. He clearly knows what he's talking about.
Just some stuff I got to reading after reading this thread - hope you find it of interest

Shell V-Power Diesel

V-Power Diesel is Shell's version of an enhanced diesel fuel, similar, say to BPs 'Ultimate Diesel'. Like BP Ultimate Diesel, Shell V-Power Diesel is designed for modern compression-ignition diesel engines, to facilitate enhanced engine performance along with increased engine protection, for more consistent operation and engine longevity.[5]
V-Power Diesel is a blend of regular petroleum-based diesel and synthetic diesel, created using gas to liquids (GTL), along with some extra additives designed to clean the injection system and improve injection pump and injector lubricity.
One characteristic of V-Power diesel is that it is a lot clearer and odourless than normal diesel, mainly due to the synthetic GTL component.
The fuel is slightly less dense than regular diesel so, per volume, the unit energy is actually lower than regular diesel. This is offset, as the fuel tends to ignite more readily (and thus has a higher cetane rating) than regular diesel, and a side benefit of this is that it tends to produce less soot during combustion.
Anecdotal evidence shows that its performance varies depending on how an engine is set up. In most cases, it will make a rough-sounding engine run noticeably smoother, and can also alter the performance characteristics; typically some low-end torque is lost, but performance in the middle of the rev range and above is increased. In some engines however, particularly well-tuned common rail turbodiesels, very little effect can be seen or felt.[citation needed]
Although the former is true for the European market, Shell also markets a different "premium" diesel in Canada, which they state "Is specially formulated for year-round Canadian weather conditions, with a cetane improver, a de-icer and a corrosion inhibitor."[6] but Shell also states that V-Power diesel will typically have an increased cetane rating of 1 to 2 points over standard diesel, which meets Transport Canada's minimum mandated rating of 40.[7] It also contains no GTL components at all.
The reason why peeps don’t trust fool companies is simple. When oil prices go up, fool prices go up straight away. When oil prices go down, fool prices don’t. They may drop a little, but only when the issue is raised on the news. And then yer hears stuff about fool being bought ahead and the price int factored in yet… so the [price won’t go down for a while… then fool companies pull orf £ billions profits. They moan about exploration costs, but that was paid for prior to the profit figure being finalised. Then there’s opec. Supply and demand… they change supply to stabilise price, or betterer put as stabilising a product’s price which the world would struggle wivout. So making sure they stay in mega profit. Hence why trust at the pumps is low.
there is one supermarket i would buy from waitrose its bp with all the additives in diesel and petrol.if you run petrol then try supermarket super as it has no ethanol in it roughly same price as unleaded in branded outlets. as ordinary unleaded has 10% ethanol in it.

UK bio-unleaded has 5% ethanol. In Some Euro countries (eg France) bio-unleaded has 10% ethanol. The proposal is that by 2013 UK bio-unleaded has 10%.

Also strange to note that normally when a new additive / formula comes on the market, the oil companies shout it from the rooftops. With bio-unleaded, it's not even mentioned on the pump! Just as an example, all Esso unleaded is now bio-unleaded. If you want to check, don't look on the pump, look at the grade tags on the tank fills. It'll be listed as "UL95 BIO"

Even the supermarkets can't avoid bio-unleaded as nearly all terminals have now converted.
i work in refinery in central scotland and all the standard fuel comes out of the same 4" connection, even the cherry it just gets some dye in in a big mixer tank so after working there for 20yrs and watching the asda, tesco, morrisons ,shell and bp tankers etc all filling up from the same filling bay i suggest going where ever is cheapest.

Cherry or Gas oil to give it it's proper name was roughly 1000ppm sulphur content. recent legislation says that gas oil must come down to 10ppm sulphur which is the same as standard road diesel. The terminal I work out of has recently converted to this, though how many others have I couldn't say. The difference is that Gas oil doesn't have some of the other additives that road diesel has.
Hello Singvogel

I think it's probably best if I leave this thread to others as no matter what I say is unlikely to be believed by those who prefer to believe that the oil companies are taking us all for a ride even though all responsible suppliers are continually monitored for quality by external auditors (BSI/ISO). I hope the information I have supplied helps others to have a small understanding of the various oil companies storage and distribution systems.
if i had thought some people would get picky and start picking at other people i would not have started this thread. We need people like you who know what they are talking about.your input has been brill. thanks.
Have re-read Mr Noisey's post a few times and all I can see is the part which states "this guy seems to be certain" and that "this thread needs video evidence" hence my asking why he would believe fikwit. As for video evidence, unless you had a intrinsically safe Video recorder suitable for use in a hazardous zone 1/2 area it would be very unlikely (leaving the security issues to one side) for you to obtain permission to film the loading of petroleum products. Sorry if you believe that I was having a go at Mr Noisy but with all the inaccurate information that appears to have been posted on this thread you can become a little touchy (me) no offence was intended.

If you read it again when you are calm and collected you will note the sarcastic tone in MR Noisey's post. For the record I wasn't having a go at you I was just pointing out that you had mis-interpreted what Mr Noisey had posted.

Hello Singvogel

I think it's probably best if I leave this thread to others as no matter what I say is unlikely to be believed by those who prefer to believe that the oil companies are taking us all for a ride even though all responsible suppliers are continually monitored for quality by external auditors (BSI/ISO). I hope the information I have supplied helps others to have a small understanding of the various oil companies storage and distribution systems.

People will make their own minds up on who/what to believe. I use enough fuel to know that various makes, types etc make all the difference to range and performance. Now pull yer rhino skin coat on and stop taking things to heart.;)
my little sis works for a major petrol chemical company and she says the best fuel on the market is esso as it has less chemicals added to it that cars dont need

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