fair point, i didn't explain myself very well.

The purpose of this stuff (as i understand it) is to clear deposits etc from the injectors and so on, so where do these deposits go, or are they just dissolved into the fuel and no harm done? (as you can tell, i'm new to all this malarkey).
If the deposits get past the injectors (ie they are dissolved in the fuel) they are burnt and chucked out the exhaust. I think Millers helps my ancient 2.5 na run better. Probably the mild octane boost.
fair point, i didn't explain myself very well.

The purpose of this stuff (as i understand it) is to clear deposits etc from the injectors and so on, so where do these deposits go, or are they just dissolved into the fuel and no harm done? (as you can tell, i'm new to all this malarkey).
I don't think you need to worry about this.
Only too much or prolonged use of veg oil would be a possible problem.
Any other mentioned additives will be fine to use. As too their effectivness I cannot say but they will only harm your pocket not the car.
thanks guys,

I think my fuel pump is living on borrowed time anyway, so when i get a replacement for that and a new filter, i'll run something through the engine for a week before changing those.

Wynns goldformula plus for diesels, i run it in customers diesels and they all notice a difference :)

And on a slightly different note. I spent months researching filter types etc as I make bio diesel. And the average fuel filter is about 10 microns... The most damaging fuel particles to an injector are between 3-6 micron irrc (long time ago)

Another thing to remember is that supermarket fuels have a higher bio content. Fill up a 5l can with supermarket cheap and leave it alone for a month outside (sealed) and see what's in the bottom!

Regular filter changes are the answer (I'm running a twin filter now) down to 2 micron
Second filter is running inline (defender 110 200tdi with non standard setup)

Just got push fit connectors from hydromatic and spliced into fuel line

Clarkkent am running my bio in most cars now (even common rail) but it's not exactly a back yard setup! Gets triple filtered cold, then centrifuge hot. Then settled, then heated and reacted. Then tested. Then polished 😀
In my opinion good quality fuel i.e not supermarket fuel (open bag of worms here ) and a good thrash every couple of weeks (u don't have to drive 100mph just get the engine revs up through the gears) and engines are usually clean and ok. Mpg watchers usually have most trouble with egr, injectors, turbos sticking and valves sticking because the crap just builds up a buggers stuff up.... Ahh rant over [emoji2]
Lot of Spanish add tube of two stroke oil on fill up, never tried it myself but they swear by it
You put 300mm of two stroke into 50ish ltr of fuel only mineral two stroke. It was found to be the only add that actually done anything. It cleans protects and slightly improved MPG. I have done it 4 or 5 times but havent really noticed MPG yet but only local journeys so far.
I have been told that adding 500ml mineral 2 stroke oil to a full tank of diesel is the way forward. Will try it when I can afford a full tank of diesel!!!
I used to use Grease Lightning fuel additive but can't seem to get it any more, so now been recommended Forte, notice a big difference but can only get it on-line

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