
New Member
Hello guys and gals,

Going to run some additive/cleaner through the fuel system to give the injectors and turbo etc a clean up. So just wondering if any of you experienced Landy folk have had good or bad experiences with particular types of additives.

It's a 2004 FL1 2.0 td4 Auto with 95k on the clock
There are all sorts of potions you can put into your tank that will clean it or increase power... Personally im not convinced. If you really want to clean your system out run a mix of Diesel and clean veg oil for a week or so that will do a better job than anything you buy at halfrauds...
There are all sorts of potions you can put into your tank that will clean it or increase power... Personally im not convinced. If you really want to clean your system out run a mix of Diesel and clean veg oil for a week or so that will do a better job than anything you buy at halfrauds...
Totally agree, the cetane is way higher in veg oil than any additive.
I run mine on 70/30
I used to put redex into my focus as it smoked so badly people used to flash their headlights at me. Never found it to make a difference though.
Redex for example might actually have a chemical that does have cleaning properties in it but if you can buy veg oil at £1 a liter and Redex is nearly £7 for 800ml I know what Id do...
I used wynns injector cleaner on my Ford TDCi engine after an MOT failure. Tester said it was too smoky to get a reading. I added a bottle to my tank and gave it an italian tune up and it sailed through the retest. The car didn't belch smoke under heavy acceleration anymore.

I tried Millers and that didn't make any difference. I read somewhere that it's the ingredient in BP Ultimate diesel. No idea if that's true.

I read good things about diesel rhino but haven't tried it yet.

This one

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Redex for example might actually have a chemical that does have cleaning properties in it but if you can buy veg oil at £1 a liter and Redex is nearly £7 for 800ml I know what Id do...

What does veg oil do? are you adding white spirit and waiting a week or anything?
veg oil by itself "cleans" the system.

I used to put steel parts in a tub of diesel to store them thinking it'll protect them. A year down the line, they're rusty, and covered in a disgusting brown sticky gunge... from the diesel itself.

Rinsed all the parts off, and now stored in plain engine oil. But I can now see why when you run veg oil through your tank, you often need to change the fuel filter very soon after!
It isnt just for fun that the filter changes become regular it is like you mentioned, all the crap being broken down and heading that way! :)
don't laugh at my ignorance but i thought the idea was to clean the injectors and so on, doesn't the fuel filter sit between the tank and the engine etc..? Why would it get clogged? Is a load of crud also being flushed out of the tank?

don't laugh at my ignorance but i thought the idea was to clean the injectors and so on, doesn't the fuel filter sit between the tank and the engine etc..? Why would it get clogged? Is a load of crud also being flushed out of the tank?


yes, the veg oil is an excellent cleaner and will clean out the tank very quickly. All this crud has to go somewhere.

However it will also clean up areas post the filter as well.

You are running a TD4 though so I wouldnt put much in it.
I've seen surprising results from forte. Unclogged EGR valves that were so seized you couldn't even remove them.
wasn't there thing on tv, wheeler dealers i belive when they used a large machine to clean out all the fuel and injector system

not sure what the feedback or results were though
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wasn't there thing on tv, wheeler dealers i belive when they used a large machine to clean out all the fuel and injector system

not sure what the feedback or results were though

I've just been reading up on it. It's called Terraclean, it's supposed to clean the injectors onwards.

The threads I've seen on various forums have been positive so far, cleaner emissions, improved running and fuel economy
I had my old L200 Terracleaned a couple of years ago, it was 14 year old, 200k on the clock. It definately made a difference, ran smoother, revved mor freely, mpg improved slightly, cost about £90 or so I think. My F'lander, which I've had two months, 112k on the clock, might get it done at some point too.
hmmm, can't help wondering if this is a bad idea now.

If it can clear out that much crud from the tank, at least the filter can catch that but what about all the crud it clears from the system AFTER the filter, what happens to that? Is there a danger that it'll do more harm than good?

hmmm, can't help wondering if this is a bad idea now.

If it can clear out that much crud from the tank, at least the filter can catch that but what about all the crud it clears from the system AFTER the filter, what happens to that? Is there a danger that it'll do more harm than good?


wheres the crud come from? its after yer filter ;)

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