
New Member
:confused: Hi can anyone help me solve this problem, when ever it snows and i drive off from a cold start and i put my foot on the brake pedal , the pedal is locked solid and the brakes will not stop the car. i hear a grinding sound from the front brakes it sounds like metal grinding against metal then all of a sudden ill put my foot on the brake again and its working ok ive had the brakes checked by a local garage and they cant find anything wrong not even with the disc`s or pads have any scoring marks on them so where is the grinding noise coming from ?????????? :doh:
Hmmm someone please correct me if i'm wrong or talking bull but could it be air/dirt in the pipes? I know a similar thing can happen on my hydraulic mountain bike brakes if there is air in them and need bleeding.

Is it only doing it after it's snowed in say cold weather?
I reckon its your ABS and its doing what it should.

On snow (or ice) there is often zero grip, so the ABS is activated
, resulting in the hard pedal and no stopping.

All ABS does is allow you to steer when stamping on the brakes and in actual fact stopping distances are longer with ABS in every condition-except rain.

Quite a few cars have the ability to turn ABS off for snowy weather.
yep abs sounds like the front of the cars fallen off and i get a judder through the pedals.Some cars the abs light comes on, other it dont.Useful eh!Try an emergency stop in the wet it should do the same
Hi thankyou for your replys by the sounds of it i think you are correct as i only have this problem in the snow thanks again for your help HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU:)

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