I have also said that I sold my bike because I rode it like an arsehole and can't help it but got called a Lier you have come in mid convo and know everything
When you have a white number plate which is no bigger than a small letter box that is on Velcro not sure anyone can read that? And the letters were in fancy writing that ANPR cameras can read. Trust me I got chased from Southend to Hertfordshire doing 175 on the M25 in mild traffic getting chased by two police bikes!! I had a chase at least one a month this is part of the reason for selling it! And helicopter can only do 160 yes in any direction but it takes about 10-15 mins before it in the air. Most coppers will not call for back up as they are not aloud to chase bike due to safety and they get embarrassed if they can't catch you! I was speaking to a police biker and he said I don't bother with superbikes as there is no way of catching them unless they can't ride. I also meet a off duty copper biker out one day and he give it all the bollix that he is Rossi and catches everyone so I said ok you catch me now and I will happily take a ticket from you and I was two's up and lost him twice when we stopped I laughed at him and so did the others following. His answer was your nuts!! I am not saying I am the best rider in the world but you have to be nuts to races bikes so I am half way there. And I would love to race but don't have the available funds!!!
thats gotta be the biggest load of shiit ive ever read
I am not the one who said speeding was an issue as on a bike it is only really me who will get hurt but you lot who claim it is soo wrong speed yourself just because "it's only a little bit" and it's you it seems to be ok?

NO!!! have you ever seen a picture of a bike hitting a car side on? would you like to see the damage it will do???? i think yes!!!!!


nobody in the car survived!
I have also said that I sold my bike because I rode it like an arsehole and can't help it but got called a Lier you have come in mid convo and know everything

Riding a bike like an arsehole is nothing to brag about you stupid ****wit.
And yes I have come in mid convo and know everything because I've read the thread from the beginning:doh::doh::doh::doh:

He was getting chased by the cops, G-spot.
I am not trying to shift any blame just makes me laugh that I am the big bad wolf because I admit to speeding when MOST of us do. I don't care who takes me serious as I could never give advice to you lot as you know everything anyway
I am not trying to shift any blame just makes me laugh that I am the big bad wolf because I admit to speeding when MOST of us do. I don't care who takes me serious as I could never give advice to you lot as you know everything anyway
i couldnt believe that u even admitted to riding like a tw@t but that you even put your passenger in the same situation.
I am not the one who said speeding was an issue as on a bike it is only really me who will get hurt but you lot who claim it is soo wrong speed yourself just because "it's only a little bit" and it's you it seems to be ok?

How do you work that one out:confused:,

Picture this scenario:

What would happen if you're doing 80+ as you've stated on your bike and there's a piece of debris on the road ... reckon you'd be quick enough to avoid it without swerving into another lane? or hit it, lose control, then you and the bike fly uncontrollably into other motorists (who would probably get hurt) ....

you should not have the luxury of a driving license, it's no wonder so many plod are anti-bikes with plonkers like you on the road.
I am not trying to shift any blame just makes me laugh that I am the big bad wolf because I admit to speeding when MOST of us do. I don't care who takes me serious as I could never give advice to you lot as you know everything anyway

Please learn to use the quote button.
You're not a big bad wolf, you are an inadequate little boy.
Well thanks for the advice I am a homo a **** ****wit have downs and properly missed some but what you lot think won't make me loose sleep at night.
I am not trying to shift any blame just makes me laugh that I am the big bad wolf because I admit to speeding when MOST of us do. I don't care who takes me serious as I could never give advice to you lot as you know everything anyway

on track days are you leaving the entire fast group behind? if you watch even just a club racer on a trackday (i have been to a few...) you can spot the club racers they are the ones who hit the apex every time, hit the braking points every time and then they pull into the pits have hardly broken a sweat (even though they have been putting in consistent laps and pulling away from the group every lap!
Well thanks for the advice I am a homo a **** ****wit have downs and properly missed some but what you lot think won't make me loose sleep at night.

No you will sleep soundly thinking you can do no wrong. The rest of us, however, will not sleep as well, knowing that an idiot like you is loose on the roads.
I blame the welsh or is it the iranians or the somali pirates or the french...........who invented homobikes ?
My passenger was a rider I rode with and we both rode the same so he knew wot he was in for when he asked to jump on the back or is that wrong aswell?
My passenger was a rider I rode with and we both rode the same so he knew wot he was in for when he asked to jump on the back or is that wrong aswell?
so two total idiots on one bike..

imagine...ere mate come on jump an board lets go and ride like total priicks,but hey if we get killed atleast you knew what you were in for

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