I blame the welsh or is it the iranians or the somali pirates or the french...........who invented homobikes ?

foo cough:p:D

I am really that bothered and yes we could of died numerios times but so can ya by walking to the shops but you still do it. I am not implying speeding in excess is a good thing and every1 should do it but I am saying not every1 is perfect! Speeding a little or alot is still wrong but it's just me who is a ****er for it?
I am really that bothered and yes we could of died numerios times but so can ya by walking to the shops but you still do it. I am not implying speeding in excess is a good thing and every1 should do it but I am saying not every1 is perfect! Speeding a little or alot is still wrong but it's just me who is a ****er for it?
but if you walk to the shops you wouldnt put yourself in unneccesary danger by playin chickin with cars would ya.

you really are making yourself sound more and more of an idiot
I aint perfect and i think ive broken the speed limit by about 7mph in me series once going downhill with the wind behind me !
I see you guys have been keeping head **** whit busy then,

Hi the Robot is back, I had to recharge my batterys, na to tell you the truth I was on a promise of a ride... but not a 175mph one and found that more intersting.

I see you guys have had the same impression as well.

How deep can you dig a hole with a blame everyone else shovel, I see he's still trying to make the attempt at being the becoming the bigest Arse hole in the LZ hall of fame.

Yes I know he will have to come back and blame my aunts uncle for speeding with his zimmer frame and having to keep up with him.
Hi guys only me!! How you all doing today? What will it take to become number 1 arsehole on here? May aswell be as I am number 1 arsehole on a bike and will AGAIN happily admit that not a problem.
My bike was made out of plastic if I was to hit a car you think it's ocuipends would die don't be silly your talking ****! Wots the next thing hope your wore a lot of leather? Thing leather would save your life really? You will be extremely lucky if you come off a motorcycle at more than 70 not to hit anything like a lampost or railings and would die on impact no amount of leather will save you from that?

Just to correct you the occupents would die if you were to hit a car hard enough.

Myself and a few others off the forum unfortunatley arrived at an accident where a motorcyclist had gone into the side of a 4X4, Thankfully no one off the forum) at a junction on a bend, Killing himself and the passenger in the 4X4. The bike was said to have been doing well in excess of the speed limit.

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