You also need to clear any air out the bottom coolant rail. There's another bleed screw in the bottom coolant, above the gearbox bell housing. ;)

Great thanks ! Had no idea... still getting air out and it’s running sweet. Got engine oil, oil filters, fuel filter and air filters hopefully arriving today. Going to put some Wynn engine flush in as it’s never had an oil change in years...... starting it’s new life as best as possible. Need to sort out the back door...... I will troll the threads as I am sure it’s a common problem..... window goes up, there is a BEEP from somewhere near the steaming wheel and window goes down.... end of story it won’t stay up. And it rains a lot on this island.....
Ok I see it..... below the air filter on the metal water pipe.... looks like a 8mm hex head screw, was looking for the same as the one on the bulkhead. Will take the air filter box off for better access and give it another bleed.
Ok I see it..... below the air filter on the metal water pipe.... looks like a 8mm hex head screw, was looking for the same as the one on the bulkhead. Will take the air filter box off for better access and give it another bleed.
Don't unscrew it too far or you'll be standing there with your finger on the hole wondering how your going to reach the bolt which is now probably hiding on the under tray, without loosing all your coolant.
Don't ask me how I know. :oops:
Don't unscrew it too far or you'll be standing there with your finger on the hole wondering how your going to reach the bolt which is now probably hiding on the under tray, without loosing all your coolant.
Don't ask me how I know. :oops:
Tis worser if yer drop something down the back of the engine and it stays on top of the ird. Jet washing it out works. :oops:
Don't unscrew it too far or you'll be standing there with your finger on the hole wondering how your going to reach the bolt which is now probably hiding on the under tray, without loosing all your coolant.
Don't ask me how I know. :oops:
Top tip if you should be stupid enough to do this and have no assistant to help is to put the expansion tank cap back on and turn of the engine. Lack of air getting into the expansion tank slows it down quite a lot.

Once again, don't ask me how I know. :oops:
Well I think after 3 days of bleeding it’s done ! I will now keep an eye on the water level.
Still waiting on filter kit.....
got the back section of exhaust off.... need to make up something.
Shambolic weather preventing anything happening today.
Exhaust done, combination of the remains of the centre pole of a galvanised washing line..... some fire proof insulation and some flexible alloy.
Took it for its first trip to the ferry to pick up my old man, 2 miles there and two back. All went well temp steady and thermostat working and no loss of water.
Identified what’s wrong with the back window and developed a work around, so it’s watertight again.
Filters arrived today so that’s next on the list.
Strange clunking noise from the front, I expect it’s a bushing..... Will look into it next.
Exhaust done, combination of the remains of the centre pole of a galvanised washing line..... some fire proof insulation and some flexible alloy.
Took it for its first trip to the ferry to pick up my old man, 2 miles there and two back. All went well temp steady and thermostat working and no loss of water.
Identified what’s wrong with the back window and developed a work around, so it’s watertight again.
Filters arrived today so that’s next on the list.
Strange clunking noise from the front, I expect it’s a bushing..... Will look into it next.
I've had various bangs and clunks on mine, the best fix is to generally ignore them and they away! Its worked on all mine so far. But I've had a clunking for a while now and it won't go away, so looks like I'll have to investigate this one!
Exhaust done, combination of the remains of the centre pole of a galvanised washing line..... some fire proof insulation and some flexible alloy.
Took it for its first trip to the ferry to pick up my old man, 2 miles there and two back. All went well temp steady and thermostat working and no loss of water.
Identified what’s wrong with the back window and developed a work around, so it’s watertight again.
Filters arrived today so that’s next on the list.
Strange clunking noise from the front, I expect it’s a bushing..... Will look into it next.
Better amp and speakers. Sorted.;)
Well I changed the oil and filter ...... for the first time in a very long time.... I was very surprised at how clean it was and how you could still see that it was brown and not black, if that had come out of my 1986 defender it would have been black even with more regular oil changes. There was no sign of any contamination at all in the oil. I still don’t understand how I purchased this car for £800 or there about with about 48k on the clock.... I am sure it was mis diagnosed with a duff head gasket as the water pump leaked from the start. Now the clock says 52k so averaging under thousand miles a year ! Fuel filter next.
Well I changed the oil and filter ...... for the first time in a very long time.... I was very surprised at how clean it was and how you could still see that it was brown and not black, if that had come out of my 1986 defender it would have been black even with more regular oil changes. There was no sign of any contamination at all in the oil. I still don’t understand how I purchased this car for £800 or there about with about 48k on the clock.... I am sure it was mis diagnosed with a duff head gasket as the water pump leaked from the start. Now the clock says 52k so averaging under thousand miles a year ! Fuel filter next.
They get a bad press, Dog and Lemon guide etc, but the reality is that they are pretty good reliable cars. You need to read the very very small print (and your average mechanic and tyres shop won't) or else they will turn they're transmission to iron filings, and the 1.8s do need head gaskets replaced more frequently than most, but if they are maintained well, they are great motors.
Will take the air filter box off

leave the box off and let the k series roar, one of best engines for induction noise soon forget about your knocking noise :D:D

re beleeding did you have heater on warm and on full fan speed? helps with bleed process
Well I changed the oil and filter ...... for the first time in a very long time.... I was very surprised at how clean it was and how you could still see that it was brown and not black, if that had come out of my 1986 defender it would have been black even with more regular oil changes. There was no sign of any contamination at all in the oil. I still don’t understand how I purchased this car for £800 or there about with about 48k on the clock.... I am sure it was mis diagnosed with a duff head gasket as the water pump leaked from the start. Now the clock says 52k so averaging under thousand miles a year ! Fuel filter next.
That's a very dangerous thing to say. :eek: You could get bitten in the bum very easily. :(
Take a look through this thread. It was my cheapest ever purchase and was a great car.
In my experience K series Freelanders are brilliant cars for tootling about in but not so good for towing.
Misdiagnosis is very very common on cars with a K-series: mechanics will invariably declare it to be a head gasket failure if any coolant is lost (without even looking).

I completely agree with Alibro: K-series Freelander is a brilliant little car: love driving mine. Not the most powerful or rapid vehicle by any means, but very pleasant to drive and is capable off road too :D
Take a look through this thread. It was my cheapest ever purchase and was a great car.
Just read the whole thread, great write up mate.
@LUKBENPHI yes when bleeding the system I had the heaters on hot and full fan and also switched off and on cold.... every combination I could think off !

As previously stated I can only drive two miles in one direction and the two miles back, all at about 15-20mph so I hope that these small trips will help to prolong the life of this car, the shocking pot holed roads are going to take there toll but slow and steady is all I do.

So jobs to do in order
Fuel filter
Half heartedly try and find out what the nocking noise is........ so many threads on this.......
Check all the other oils.
Wash the car (first time in 6 years)
Wait for some dry weather and wax oil the hell out of it.
Then that’s it for the moment as I will need to get back to rebuilding my defender axle.

Wish list
Brakes still work fine but would like to replace before removing them becomes a problem.
The speeds I drive and the private road make this job not essential now and they DO work fine but are pretty rusty.
Ok would like to attempt the fuel filter tomorrow, can someone confirm it’s location...... is it in the tank ? Have read loads of threads but just getting more confused. Thanks, just need a simple “it’s in the tank mate ! “ will do. Thanks for the ongoing help. Col
Help ! I went to start the car this morning but had forgotten that I had left it in gear so it jumped forward. Nothing unusual but when I then went to start it it would not start. It’s blowing a gale outside so not going to investigate today, however when you turn the key normally there is a “noise” maybe the fuel pump priming or something, it’s a normal noise on a lot of cars, turn the key one turn hear the noice and turn to start. So now when I turn the key I don’t hear this familiar sound. I have not done anything to the fuel system yet. Any ideas. Ran the battery down a bit so got that on charge. Any advise would be great. Thanks.

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