ah well that thats fooked then cos it cash when the work is done to a satifactory standard wiff me..
but just think of the company?

and yu dont know wot Snot usually charges for board and lodgings..... a couple of months overwintering in France - not a bad deal is it?
nah - it woz me wot said free (well board and lodging)

well Benny - I hope yu have found this thread enlightening with respect to ya fitting ya airhorns. ;)
The Mad Hat Man said:
but just think of the company?

and yu dont know wot Snot usually charges for board and lodgings..... a couple of months overwintering in France - not a bad deal is it?

a couple of months????????????????????????????????fer a rewire? even the french could do it quicker than that
but just think of the company? ;) ;)

yu gotta allow the odd green-laning and off-roading in there - aint ya?

oh yes - and tent building :D
The Mad Hat Man said:
yu no that, i know that - but they dont know that - and they enforce it!.

goin back to airhorns - think its ok if they only one note - so ya need a discreet switch to switch between the two notes ;)
ah dunt think pukes of hazzard wis one note
The Mad Hat Man said:
most air horns can be multi - or single note - so ya switch between the two ;) ;) if ya no wot i mean....
he said like pukes of hazzard ones and dem ones was defo multi tone..it wouldn't have been the same if every time their sierra took off it just went.... BEEP!....
i fink yu missed the point - all multi-tone air horns I know of could either play the tune - or play a single blast - so If a switch was put between the two - you could choose wot the horns played - toot for pc - da de da for ya mates.
therby being legal when yu needed to be. the switch has to be not obvious tho ;) ;).
We used to do that regular like.
well i ain't seen any tuneful horns fer @@years and the ones i had only played the tune and not singal notes. even ma 'aaahh oooo gaaaa' horn only did 'aaaaaah oooo gaaaaa'

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