Oh rite that took some gerrin ford anglia,,, Zepher... mondeo

Oh stop me sides are achin agen:D

took a while eh Doh!:rolleyes: ;) :D
mondo said:
Oh rite that took some gerrin ford anglia,,, Zepher... mondeo

Oh stop me sides are achin agen:D

took a while eh Doh!:rolleyes: ;) :D
ayer well it wur mentioned when i wur arthur tent (hitch hikers guide and all that)
a reet fooker when that happens
best he sneeks round at night and see what he can find to cover his costs
there are guys who do a "no money - no fee" debt recovery service - i keep gettin faxes from em - mite forward it on to ya Mondeo.

evenin' Trewey

evenin Rory
slob said:
a reet fooker when that happens
best he sneeks round at night and see what he can find to cover his costs

WELL now yer mention it i might be one step ahead o yer.

the two houses i aint bin paid for are advertised in the estate agents..
So Mrs mondos made an appointment to go and view em;)
hopefully the estate agents a lazy get and will just give her the keys, so mondo can get in and whip all the sockets ,switches light fittings ,smoke detectors.etc.;) :D

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