
Well-Known Member
well I had a shock today let me explain, some time ago i had Jamie cox around with hi little computer and the car went really well better than before but i kept on getting the engine management light on so i kept putting my Icarsoft on and it kept saying low fuel pressure sensor I searched and searched and could not seem to get this sensor that is under the fuse box on the side of the wing , any way it kept getting worse so I decided to look more into it and then I thought it has been about 5 years since I replaced the fuel filter ,son in law said why not replace the pump as well so i got them son in law fitted them due to my really bad back, and today I had to go out .WOW if fact double WOW! it was like the brown stuff of a shiny shovel i could not believe it , and NO more warning lights just thought i would let you all know just in case you have simular problems .

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