Hi all. lucky owner of two freelander TD4 but one has started to smoke at full throttle
Was hearing turbo kick in for a while and now no whistling just a lot of smoke. Is turbo knackered you think ?
If so any pointers on removing without taking diff out ?
Done that on a early 2000 freelander with the leyland engine and would rather not again!!
Cheers and great forum.
Before considering replacing the turbo, you need to check the simple stuff first.
So make sure the vacuum pipes are perfect and not perished or loose. They are covered in a fabric, which hides the splits really well. The vacuum pipes only have a 10 year life, so it's normally best to replace them all as a matter of course, especially as they are dirt cheap.

Also check the boost pipes for holes or split. There are a couple of places where the boost pipes rub on other components, wearing them through making small holes, so check every boost pipe carefully for damage.

The turbo is much less likely to fail than the rubber pipes carrying the air from the turbo to the engine. ;)
Hi thanks
I have checked all the hoses and removed and cleaned them.
My suspicion is the turbo as I can’t hear it no more?
Next step I will remove breather under air filter and check that and then check as you say.
Many thanks for the help mate. It’s frustrating
You need to check the boost solenoid is working, too. This is the part that controls the amount of vacuum to the actuator.
You can look through the wheel arch whilst someone revs the engine to see that the actuator moves. If it doesn't, then either the actuator or the boost solenoid (or both) may be bad. Check that the vacuum reaches the solenoid. If it doesn't, then your problem is further back in the system. Watch this video for more on the solenoid:
It seems to be working but smokes line a train when she warms up a bit
Do you think turbo is cooked ?
Isles fine but when gets warm starts smoking after I throttle her up
Overfuelling? I'd be looking at my injectors, and run some Liqui Moly Diesel Purge or similar through the system. Either added to the tank, or preferably as an injector flush. In the linked video, Leon uses Redex, I prefer the Liqui Moly. The cleaning is a fair way through the video.
On the bad side, it could be the oil which cools the turbo getting past the seals.

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