Ross Tait

Active Member
Hey folks, been a long time since I was on here. I finally finished my engine rebuild last year on my 2002 1.8 and have done 21,000 miles in her since.

MOT time came round again and I decided to have a poke around the bubbles in the paint and quickly found holes, by the time I was finished I had made myself about a week of work and now had a new cubby hole in the drivers side sill big enough to keep shoes in lol.


Anyway I've started welding it back up but now realise I don't remember what the shape looked like right at the back of the sill under the plastic cup/cover bit so I'm wondering if anyone has a pic of this section?, preferably with the plastic removed so I can see the metal shape.

Here is some of what I've done so far...


Pulled a whole out rigger off with water pump pliers..


Made a new one..




Just need to see the shape of the back of the sill under the plastic corner cup to finish that side.

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Hey, well that's a good suggestion but I think I'll find the same mess at that side as the paints just as bubbly.

When I took the plastic off this side most of the metal came out with it lol so couldn't really tell what was where.

All I know is the shape must change just before the end of the sill, the last 4" maybe that's under the plastic trim at the corner.

I wanna fit the trim back in place without the use of countless self tappers so best I get the shape at least close.

I've managed to advance my work and I'm now at that corner, see here...



It's right here that must be different as the plastic trim is closer to the inner body than the sill is...


Once this part and the bit beside it in the wheel well (directly in front of tyre) is done then this side is finished as I've already done the inner sill.

Then it's on to the passenger side.
Annoyingly it is only this rot and a new cat that is needed for the MOT.


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