I think MUD Freelanders is already set up, and can only grow, so it would be pointless starting another club with the aim of arriving at the same place that MUD is already half way to achieving. Its a good forum, with a lot of people on here already members

the MUD page is a good site with lots of useful members but then again so is here as they are the same peeps...

which ever happens the Freelander should have it own club just because there are lots of us who are dedicated to keeping Freelanders on the road
We have a club on ere. No fees, no one in charge, no withdrawal of toys when it dun't go their way, no positions of responsibility, no membership other than joining the forum... Sign up and yer in. Take part if yer want to. Meet up with others if yer want to...
We have a club on ere. No fees, no one in charge, no withdrawal of toys when it dun't go their way, no positions of responsibility, no membership other than joining the forum... Sign up and yer in. Take part if yer want to. Meet up with others if yer want to...
+1 what more of a club do you need :)
Here here.

Anybody going on the LRI run on Sunday to Brighton? I'm camping with Surrey 4x4 Response.
I camped in a field owned by a boozer just outside Buxton in sept or there abouts that was ok and cheap amenities wernt sparkling but was ok ad theres gotta be some lanes nr there, also tbere was some clowns doing donuts in the field so i guess there not too fussy..

Count me in im game.

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