so we need to find a central place to stop near to some green lanes does anyone have any ideas of were to stop?

ok lets start another thread with a list of people who are interested in a freelander weekend?

i'm well up for a meet up somewhere. An overnight trip would be more worthwhile me coming too as its a bit far to come for a quick pint.
Hmm I think it we found a nice central venue with some good lanes in the area, we could find a local campsite and just book in. If anyone had any special gear like a large beer tent or canopy that would be cool. Hell we could even get a hog roast in or something one night, or just barbie's :).

I did promise a few barrels of beer in another fred, I can hold to that :D!
Somewhere wi a decent camp site then :)

Yep I think it would be more attractive that way. I'm partial to a hot shower in the mornings if I can get one! Camping and Caravaning club sites are always excellent, a bit more per night than more basic sites but much more family friendly.
Yep I think it would be more attractive that way. I'm partial to a hot shower in the mornings if I can get one! Camping and Caravaning club sites are always excellent, a bit more per night than more basic sites but much more family friendly.

we're not members this year but have been for the previous 5 years, so i'll second the Camping and Caravanning Club sites ;)

good thing about them is everyone is quiet after 10 o'clock, which suits me cos i'll be well oiled by then :D
we're not members this year but have been for the previous 5 years, so i'll second the Camping and Caravanning Club sites ;)

good thing about them is everyone is quiet after 10 o'clock, which suits me cos i'll be well oiled by then :D

Yep the facilities are always great but if people want a bit more of a raucous experience we'd have to find a suitable site :).
The Hog roast sounds like a superb idea and couldn't take place at the above sites :(

Yep it would be an awesome touch, but I'm sure we can find a campsite with adequate mod cons that would let us do it. Hell, in spring they'll be gagging for business befrore the weather gets **** again for summer.
Yep it would be an awesome touch, but I'm sure we can find a campsite with adequate mod cons that would let us do it. Hell, in spring they'll be gagging for business befrore the weather gets **** again for summer.

Where abouts are we thinking, somewhere central? or a trip to the seaside
Where abouts are we thinking, somewhere central? or a trip to the seaside

Well the best centralish wilderness I can think of is the Brecon Beacons. But that doesn't always mean good lanes, I just don't know enough. What I do know is that the Beacons has more obliging farmers than you can shake a head gasket at.

I would suggest somewhere in the Midlands, but it's really immaterial to me as I'd be coming south from Scotland.


The Easter weekend is March 29th to April 1st - so are we talking sometime in mid-April perhaps?

Well the best centralish wilderness I can think of is the Brecon Beacons. But that doesn't always mean good lanes, I just don't know enough. What I do know is that the Beacons has more obliging farmers than you can shake a head gasket at.

Sorry for the late reply, Doris is now compliant ;), I can go :bounce:

Brecons sounds good, not somewhere i've been mind but it would appear none of us would be meeting on home turf :)
No idea why I ventured into this thread :confused:.... but just throwing an idea into pot. There is a big meet in the Peaks/Dales .... Northern Bakewell run.... or what ever the thread is called :confused: ..... not suggesting you go on that run but the organisers have found a campsite, with on site pub and B&B for those who want a bit of comfort. they allow campfires and can provide an all you can eat BBQ.

Like I said .... just a thought :)

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