i would join and a meet always good as long as we no with planty of time up front so i can book it off ;)
No idea why I ventured into this thread :confused:.... but just throwing an idea into pot. There is a big meet in the Peaks/Dales .... Northern Bakewell run.... or what ever the thread is called :confused: ..... not suggesting you go on that run but the organisers have found a campsite, with on site pub and B&B for those who want a bit of comfort. they allow campfires and can provide an all you can eat BBQ.

Like I said .... just a thought :)

Hey 110w that sounds pretty good! You got any more details :)?

Also I think we can grant you special dispensation as we would require cake :D! Nah seriously I think even though it would be a fun chance for freelander owners to meet and mud other Landy owners would be welcome too :). No point bein all exclusive - we all drive green ovals.
Hey 110w that sounds pretty good! You got any more details :)?

Also I think we can grant you special dispensation as we would require cake :D! Nah seriously I think even though it would be a fun chance for freelander owners to meet and mud other Landy owners would be welcome too :). No point bein all exclusive - we all drive green ovals.

PM craigyb- he's got all the details of the campsite - plus dependant on numbers , theyre happy to make site exclusive to you and can negotiate on camping rates :)
Most car clubs have a membership fee, so then you would need a committee for such posts as the chairman, secretary, treasurer, membership secretary, events secretary and an editor for that all important news letter or magazine etc etc. I've been a committee member of a car club for the past 22 years holding posts as parts secretary, editor twice and now model registrar. I've done my bit for that said club so now its time for me to take a back seat on the committee and let the new blood of enthusiasts do the work. If you can get the right people together it can be very rewarding being involved and helping to run a car club. Unfortunately I don't want to get involved with another car, but I'd certainly pay to be a member of a Land Rover Freelander Owners Club.:)
Used to be involved in the local branch of the BMW Drivers Club many moons ago, dad was club treasurer for a few years, could maybe get involved locally up here if enough people want to do it, plenty of time to do it
To be honest, I think that those guys on the 'MUD Freelanders' website/forum are slowly evolving into the basis of a proper club. I would have been up for the resurrection of the Freelander Club (hence starting this thread in the first place) but feel now that it would be unfairly treading on the their toes...
There is of course that option, of more people joining that forum as a Freelander community
To be honest, I think that those guys on the 'MUD Freelanders' website/forum are slowly evolving into the basis of a proper club. I would have been up for the resurrection of the Freelander Club (hence starting this thread in the first place) but feel now that it would be unfairly treading on the their toes...

MUD is a good website i help on there when i can i copy my answers there and then paste them here on the same question as most the guys ask the same on both lol
Being a user of both forums I seem to do the same, but do think it would be good if the Freelander got its self a recognised club, be it through the evolving MUD Freelanders forum or what ever, also it would give these great vehicles the recognition they deserve.:)
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I also think it's time freelanders had the recognition they deserve so is the consensus of opinion that mud freelanders is the way to go or shall we try to start a club through this forum guys ? What do you think
I think MUD Freelanders is already set up, and can only grow, so it would be pointless starting another club with the aim of arriving at the same place that MUD is already half way to achieving. Its a good forum, with a lot of people on here already members

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