Disco Magic

Active Member
I know there have been many threads regarding the plastic engine undertray, so apologies for this thread.

After a bitch of a time getting mine off, easily removing 2 rear bolts and drilling 2 rivets each side but eventually mullering the front 4 rivets off by levering with a screwdriver, I feel like leaving it off from now on.

I've read the arguments that it offers protections, helps cool IRD etc etc and sure I could fabricate some way of fixing it with self tappers but just wondering if anyone or how many folk run without the tray.

The guy who used to service it was ex LR main dealer and I've no idea how he changed oil and filter as the thing appeared to be held on with original rivets. Must have just undone the 2 rear bolts and flexed it enough to do the work.
It's bolted in on the front corners aswell but they arn't easy to get at you need a UJ on a ratchet .
Or you could drill a large hole through the plastic lower bumper to get access and stick a large rubber grommet back in after to tidy it up( thats what I 've done) and its far enough down round the curve not to be to noticable
Does it really offer any protection? It is flimsy and can't withstand much. Mine is damaged and is simply propped up.
you ****ed up.Theres two 10mm bolts at the rear,two 13mm either side holding the frame of the undertray to the subframe and one 13mm either side on the front.You have removed the plastic tray from the frame that holds it in,get the metal frame unbolted and re-rivet the plastic tray back on,or you could do as freebiker did and use the plastic tray as a pattern to cut a new one out of sheet aluminium .
I don't have an undertray on mine, I might make one out of ally when the weather gets really ****.
you ****ed up.Theres two 10mm bolts at the rear,two 13mm either side holding the frame of the undertray to the subframe and one 13mm either side on the front.You have removed the plastic tray from the frame that holds it in,get the metal frame unbolted and re-rivet the plastic tray back on,or you could do as freebiker did and use the plastic tray as a pattern to cut a new one out of sheet aluminium .

Fortunately I enjoy using my pop riveter:rolleyes: Will muller it back together tomorrow.
I've got my undertray off at the moment as i'm doing bits and pieces, so will post some pics of my Alu undertray if anyones interested.
A common solution is to cut a hole to access the engine oil drain plug and fit a cover plate using speed nuts.
Took the undertray frame off this morning and re-riveted the undertray to the frame. Lucky I hadn't damaged the plastic that you'd notice. Bloody muppet not seeing how it came off! Decided to leave it as standard rather than mod it.

Got a new serpentine belt tensioner and belt coming on overnight so all back together tomorrow. Tensioner sounds like it's on the verge of self destruction, never heard one go so bad even on the Disco.

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