
New Member
I am looking for a set of roof rails for my three door Freelander 1.

Which secret society do I need to join before finding any for sale anywhere? Even the Freelander site has no reference to them (at least not that I could see). They're mentioned in the handbook and I have seen some up and over some Freelanders, so I do know they exist but can I find anyone who sells them?

So, short of nipping out one dark evening with an allen key to a carpark where can I actually get some from?

- Malc
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Apologies for the lack of introduction, I shall go and do that now.

I did search on Google, which is how I found this site and I did see someone else post on these with a nifty link. Alas that pointed to a plastic shed.

As for eBay; I have searched and searched and never found those pages. So, goodness knows where I have gone wrong. Anyway, thanks for the two links; the first looks as if it's not going to go 'around' my Landie's back end whereas the second one looks right and, gulp!, two hundred quid!

As for nicking bits off other Landies. I have to confess to having my tongue firmly jammed in my cheek when I wrote that.

As a matter of interest. Do they still make these roof bars because I can't find them on the Landie site nor on the Craddock site (again, it may be my spectacular inability to use a search engine properly).

Right, off to find the Introduce Myself section.


ok try this site for part numbers:

Landrover Parts Catalog

click on English and find the part you need. a lot of part numbers may be superseded. but its a start. the new bars are about 400-500 squid from britpart etc, so ebay is your friend!!
Ask those nice chaps in the Gaylander section, if they can stop talking about hair care products for 5mins, then I believe they can be most helpful;);):D:D:D:D
Thanks for that link; alas it's at the wrong side of the country for me.

Gaylander? Clearly I need to brush up on my terminology but I guess that the Freelander is a little Barbie and Ken, isn't it?

- Malc
I have been looking for a set of 3 door rails for my FL1 for ages and regularly check ebay. I find there are plenty available, but you are gonna need deep pockets as sellers are wise to both the demand and the value of the 3 dr. version.
You will also have to be fortunate with the location as not many sellers are willing to post such a large item. Probably better to save your cash for the repairs (or at least a bit of preventative maintenance) that you will inevitably need.
Good luck with your search though………:welcome2:

Best to post in the Freelander section in future as we are a little more respectful of our model than the big boys:)
STC7931 - 3 door roof rail system and crossbars
STC7932 - 5 door roof rail system and crossbars
CAC100162 - Crossbars only for vehicles with factory fit roof rails

good luck
Thanks for the replies and I have taken note of the numbers for the appropriate roof rail (STC7931).

At the moment I am wondering if I should spend the money on a trailer and, as Dougden suggests, save the money for preventative maintainance. I've already had the alternator catch fire on me.

- Malc
Thanks for that link; alas it's at the wrong side of the country for me.

Gaylander? Clearly I need to brush up on my terminology but I guess that the Freelander is a little kenneth and Ken, isn't it?

- Malc

ive corrected it for you. Obviously you dont understand the rules of no hetrosexuality on the gaylander section. Your forgiven though deary
So there is some one ****ter than me at finding stuff on the interweb,
If I had a gaylander an wanted some roof bars ,I would price some up at a local fabrication shop they will probably be better and look abit rollcagie,

May even butch up your gaylander ,you know like adding a tash to your American bike cop out fit

Making roof bars could be another business venture for the Doc of all evil
Oh yes, I am laughingly bad when it comes to using search engines. If you wanted someone to write one then I'm your man but if you want to find anything approximately close to what is required then I'm best not being asked.

These Freelanders do appear to get a bit of stick don't they? It's not as if they're painted pink with flowery petals, is it?

All I ask of mine is that it gets me to town without catching fire, allows me to buy my bodyweight in Rioja without sounding the alarm and then back home safely without the brakes failing.
whoever's this is... i praise you



nuff said
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