either way that hose is under turbo air pressure ..
and bodge probably leaks ..
( a tiny bit of oil in the intercooler hose / duct be normal )

should be an easy fix ..

Thank you again any of those problems would be welcome i figured scrap or sell for parts.
Would the missing sensor be a possible explanation as to why the temp gauge stayed on the quarter line as opposed to the usual halfway? It didn't skip a beat.

Again, thank you for taking the time to post those 2 possible fix's.

Greatly appreciated
Thank you again any of those problems would be welcome i figured scrap or sell for parts.
Would the missing sensor be a possible explanation as to why the temp gauge stayed on the quarter line as opposed to the usual halfway? It didn't skip a beat.

Again, thank you for taking the time to post those 2 possible fix's.

Greatly appreciated
Slow down Horse its not terminal :eek:
...Much better than owning a P38...
that's true but we have to let them in ere so they can learn. It's home from home with electrical problems, door locks failing, over heating, warning lights ont dash, sunroof sticking... It's a good job we dun't have hair suspension... But he may be thinking of converting to coils with independent suspension which is why he's in ere.
So, let me get this right.

You've just bought a car.
You've driven it 330 miles.
The car drove fine, quiet, no rattles.
Doesn't seem like its smoking like a train.
Sounds like gear changes weren't a problem.
No warning lights on the dash, plenty of power.

In fact, no problems what so ever.

...and you think it should be scrapped?

Going on that basis, we should just shut LZ and all crush our cars.

What are you going to be like when you get a real problem? :eek:

Give it a good service, replace the hose and enjoy it. :cool:

Do the checks in that link though, it might just save it turning to custard.
You shouldn't let one little bodge ruin your ownership enjoyment. It probably has been serviced ok so don't fret about it. Apart from the bodge, do you think you got a good deal.

Hi Bute
You will get a sensor from any Rover 75 diesel CDTI or a BMW 30D then change the hoses for silicone ones, even if the seller as said he as serviced the car, do one your self that way you know what starting point you are coming from.


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Scrap job? It drives fine engine sounds quiet actually not rattles etc

It's only a boost pipe and IAT sensor. No need to scrap it. Although I can't believe the previous owner was so sight as to spend a few £ on a proper pipe. They're not expensive or difficult to find or difficult to fit.:confused:

The sensor looks to be missing too, so you'll need to pipe and sensor housing and you'll need to find the wire for the sensor.

You have to ask the question. If something so simple has been bodged, then what else has been bodged too.

I'm surprised it wasn't noticed when you lifted the bonnet. It's a good plan to do learn as much as possible about a type of vehicle (quirks, problems, checks to do) in advance of look at said vehicle. Then you will be in the position to do a thorough vehicle inspection, before parting with any money. ;)
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no idea what year .. LR or bmw .. changed that
They say it's a Sport Premium, which was only available after 2004, so it'll be missing it's IAT sensor and short hose. Not a difficult fix, but I'd question, what else has been bodged?
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Not only that but hideous dirty black oil splattered everywhere. Clearly NOT recently serviced at all.

The black oily goop under the pipe is almost always there on any TD4. It's oil the drips out of the boost pipes over time and accumulates. It's not really an indication of lack of servicing, just a lack of cleaning.
I shall measure properly asap & look up what they're supposed to be size wise.

Nothing to measure. Just buy the kit from EBay that was linked. That's the complete hose and sensor housing. You remove the bodged in crap and fit the new piped in the same place. ;)
figured scrap or sell for parts.
Would the missing sensor be a possible explanation as to why the temp gauge stayed on the quarter line as opposed to the usual halfway?

No need to scrap it. A Freelander can have much worse problems than a simple boost pipe failed.

The gauge is showing 1/4 because the thermostat has failed. It's a common problem and there's a mod that overcomes the issue, without the 4 hours + it takes to replace the failed thermostat.

It's worth sorting though as the heater will be rubbish and the MPG will suffer.
I recently purchased a 04 Freelander TD4 sport premium.

The ad stated impeccable, 85k mileage. Fully stamped up to date service history. New Mot etc etc. Wouldn't budge on the price so surely it couldn't be that terrible.

Got it home (330 miles away) to find a beer can in place of a small 100mm ish hose on the front left of the engine & covered in tin foil with the original hose split down the middle then wrapped around the foil (essentially disguising it)

Not only that but hideous dirty black oil splattered everywhere. Clearly NOT recently serviced at all.

Needless to say I'm mortified. This little thing was my dream car in the sense of what I can actually afford & I waited an age to get it :(

Scrap job? It drives fine engine sounds quiet actually not rattles etc.

Forgive the essay I'm dying inside & apologies again for the wall of text

DON'T PANIC it seems to me that there are a number of Freebys out there that have had botched up work done on them like mine. It sounds like the best thing to do is get yr overalls on and start by changing all oils and filters it made a huge difference to mine. Check brake fluids and check out the brake pads and shoes. It sounds like you have to change the hose but they are not expensive and easy to do. It sounds a bit like mine, just needs a bit of DIY TLC
So, let me get this right.

You've just bought a car.
You've driven it 330 miles.
The car drove fine, quiet, no rattles.
Doesn't seem like its smoking like a train.
Sounds like gear changes weren't a problem.
No warning lights on the dash, plenty of power.

In fact, no problems what so ever.

...and you think it should be scrapped?

Going on that basis, we should just shut LZ and all crush our cars.

What are you going to be like when you get a real problem? :eek:

Give it a good service, replace the hose and enjoy it. :cool:

Do the checks in that link though, it might just save it turning to custard.
Yeah very fair point, it was
the initial shock of the oil splatter that triggered the all hope is lost mindset.

Checks shall be done today!
You shouldn't let one little bodge ruin your ownership enjoyment. It probably has been serviced ok so don't fret about it. Apart from the bodge, do you think you got a good deal.

I did overpay imo but I was willing to and travel to get the vehicle I'd wanted for a while. I'm still staggered at how quiet it is. The only advisory was brake discs but it looks like I drew up the certificate myself in crayon. It does correlate with the gov.uk online database.
It's only a boost pipe and IAT sensor. No need to scrap it. Although I can't believe the previous owner was so sight as to spend a few £ on a proper pipe. They're not expensive or difficult to find or difficult to fit.:confused:

The sensor looks to be missing too, so you'll need to pipe and sensor housing and you'll need to find the wire for the sensor.

You have to ask the question. If something so simple has been bodged, then what else has been bodged too.

I'm surprised it wasn't noticed when you lifted the bonnet. It's a good plan to do learn as much as possible about a type of vehicle (quirks, problems, checks to do) in advance of look at said vehicle. Then you will be in the position to do a thorough vehicle inspection, before parting with any money. ;)
Yep i was kicking myself all the way home for not investigating more thoroughly (whilst carving the name of the seller into my flesh)

Atleast in my mind
Take a look at the crankcase breather filter if it needs replacing either get a straight swap or buy the mod
Also here is a link to read about it
Thanks! at that price i just grabbed it anyway.

I've ordered the pipe & sensor you linked and the above filter kit. The main IAF sensor i see is a "relocation kit"

Would this suffice or shall i just look for the standard variant?

Thanks again much appreciated!

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