Hi! There are 2000 freelander for me. The tank was empty until 1 week. The temperature -2 celsius. Does not start, petrol yes. Please Help me! From Hungary, zs
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The wife was involved in an accidend at 8 months pregnant, smashed up my 1.4s polo never felt comfortable driving her '99 206 again so swapped it for a 2000 1.8 serengetti. Spent 500 quid gettin head,rail,therm,window regs ,diff mounts etc done .all good 18 months on although I still give it the weekly once over. It has served it's purpose and she agrees that we now need a new ish defender 90 td5 as long as it's black! Freebies require preeventative maintenance and sensible drivin and a lot of. Patience but still a cheap entry level 4x4
I need help,have broken several head bolts 02 freelander,is there a larger or stronger bolt i could use on this head?
Well this is my first post on this ere' forum and I suppose the HGF is a popular starting thread,:rolleyes:

needless to say I have a 1.8 that has HGF, originally thought it was an immobiliser problem as it drove fine to the shop and then refused to start. Got it to my local garage and it turned out the ecu is dead! got a ecu bloke out to fit a new ecu and it wouldnt start so they did a coolant pressure test and the coolant leaks out between head and block at #1 and #4 at 4psi..
The oil is free of water and it got very heavy on fuel on the journey prior to the shop. (cts?) I have done a few HG on the K series before and a few vvc mech syncs, i have all the stuff together ready to do the HG but cant remember the proper torque settings for the MLS gasket, searching the net has given different answers, so does anybody have the correct settings please. I have manuals but not sure the figures given are for the standard gasket?

Worth mentioning is that we have only had this freelander for 6 weeks, so I am hoping it is just that it had a cheap job to get rid of it. it did not overheat at all and the car is good otherwise ( so far ) will be having a go at it tomorrow weather permitting.
hi guys, just thought i would let people know that my k series 1.8 has now done 118000 miles. i believe the head gasket was done as a precaution before i bought it about 5 years ago but now knowning the problems of the k ive been babysitting it ever since. just starting to get high emission readings so out with the cataclean. it has also got a small engine oil leak so i'm now wondering wether to fix it or replace it,but what do i replace it with. does anyone know if any other engine can be placed there ?
Forums like this detail problems so that others can fix them. Stuff like this in detail helps folks to pinpoint problems and not get told porkies by some arsehat spanner monkey who doesn't know the first thing about these mills. It doesn't mean your motor is shagged. Go and look at a VW forum and read some of their tales and how they get treated by dealers. Or the Focus for that matter, yet your's is okay? Any car is utter ****e if you go look round.

If this place only had posts from owners saying their motor was fine and working it would be a bit useless, no? Just 'cos they're not on here don't mean they don't exist. My Freebie is fine, has been for years*, my old MGF is fine, has been for years, my ZT is fine, has been for years. And becuase of that I don't run round sayin' so.

*The VCU might be on the way out...........

beelibub is right . furums usually tell you the faults and the best way to try ans olve them. be thankful you havnt bought a beemer. everything is stupid money and mostly main dealer. i was so pleased to se a little 1800 4 cylinder engine looking back at me from the engine bay instead of the 6 cylinder on my beemer and so much room. will just have to keep and eye on it now and nip things in the bud before they become a major issue but tbh i like the look of mine and its a pretty good drive.
i read a lot of foruns about 1.8 k series problems, but how about kv6? The engine was redesigned to avoid head gasket problems, but it really worked? Recently a bought a 2004 v6 freelander in brazil at 15000 pounds price!!!!!!!!!
The kv6 is almost as bad as the 1.8, but has 50% more cylinders, so it is still crap.
General consensus is don't touch a petrol freelander.

Especially at 15K - maybe at £1500
a 15k crap??!!so what you guys are doing with your freelanders? rebuilding engine at each 10km? puting fire? suit land rover ?
too late to me. already change my toyota to 15k FL. interstingly only few people have mentioned KV6 engine problems despite several FL sold here... overall, people say that HG problems in kv6 is rare since cooling systems is OK. This explain a 15k car...
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thanx for the paper. scary review! How the LR compact suv best seller was available for many years without any significant revision?:mad::mad::mad: It doesnt make sense specially in europe where people demand high standards!!! what happen? Here i´ll find out if my FL engine problem is a HGF. So far, it will cost 8k reais (2.8k pounds) under warranty. If so, Im planing to give the car back to the seller, but to be honest, if the problem is the car itself, maybe they wont take the car back!!!! It may became a 15k HOT potato from one hand to another :doh:

At least I was satisfiyed with FL for one month. my friends was telling me: you have done a very good acquisition. You ve to pay for it, but a LR last forever... They where probably talking about defenders. ignorance is great sometimes.

What is your opinion about FL2 a 3.2 v6 engine? already planing to chance my new old car...
Not many people in the UK will buy the Freelander 2 i6 petrol engine as the diesel is so good. Petrol here is going up £0.06 to £0.10 per year per litre. £1.32 per litre at the moment. The i6 will do about 25mpg. The diesel will be 40+ mpg. Diesel Freelander 2 has enough power to be happy.
Not many people in the UK will buy the Freelander 2 i6 petrol engine as the diesel is so good. Petrol here is going up £0.06 to £0.10 per year per litre. £1.32 per litre at the moment. The i6 will do about 25mpg. The diesel will be 40+ mpg. Diesel Freelander 2 has enough power to be happy.

I searched some and find several problems in the starter and engine - same used in volvos. The engine problems however appear to happen only in LR... Another enginered crap?
back to toyota...

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