
Hi All,

If you are into walking and are sick of paying £8.95 for an OS map for every new area you go to. It's a total free to use mapping system.


In the box top left just type in the place name (works 99% of the time).

You can zoom in and out; you can right click way points on the map and best of all save your .gpx files. Then print out the map on your PC printer. It also works out the distances for you.

Never buy an OS map again.

Have fun
That's just multimap but without all the features you get on the actual multimap website:(
Cool.. didn’t know there were OS maps online and free…
I have the OS maps for the whole country on the puter together with a clever software… just working on putting it all in a Palm with GPS..

btw.. a quick question related to OS maps…
The routes with the red crosses on it… they are byways correct? open to all traffic, we can drive there..right?
what about the routes with a diamond shape on it? I've noticed that some routes are marked with the red crosses (byway) and this diamond shape… and some, halfway through the route, the crosses stop and is only diamond shape..
Now, the key says the diamond shape is a long distance route, recreational route… can we drive on this?

no, usually not.Things like the brecon way are shown like this.However the essex way is also shown like this and parts of that are driveable.The best thing to do would be to check with the Rights of way officer for the local concil to check.They will also tell you of restrictions and TROs etc.
If you are into walking and are sick of paying £8.95 for an OS map for every new area you go to. It's a total free to use mapping system.


Have fun

If anyone's interested we've just completely re-written that software from the ground up. It's still much the same if you use http://maps.the-hug.net but if you register at our partner site WalkLakes you get 1:25,000 mapping and aerial photography too.

Paul (who wrote the software)
Hi All,

If you are into walking and are sick of paying £8.95 for an OS map for every new area you go to. It's a total free to use mapping system.


In the box top left just type in the place name (works 99% of the time).

You can zoom in and out; you can right click way points on the map and best of all save your .gpx files. Then print out the map on your PC printer. It also works out the distances for you.

Never buy an OS map again.

Have fun

That's brilliant mate, thanks for sharing ;)

WalkLakes is also excellent :)
Does this work on mobile devices?

Well, it seems to work on my Android devices up to a point. You can certainly browser maps and it supports pinch to zoom, but I didn't design it for mobile devices and I've not really done any serious testing for mobile devices.
WalkLakes is also excellent :)

Thanks. We're working hard on WalkLakes to try and make it better. Beth's busy posting walks and I'm in the middle of a round of enhancements to the log book facility. Not that this will be of much interest for laning but if you're a hill bagger too then it should be just the job.

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