
New Member
Right all I did pre warn you about this problem...
Its getting silly on the forum and there is no need for it at all.
OK so some may want to continue but its not advised. There is no need for it and there is going to be a second part to the site set up in time for all the bull**** posts. So time has come to calm it down PLEASE. :)

he sez to calm it a bit not fooking stop completly or do you wish to mould the forum to suit yor exact taste?
who is this miniman?
Accy & Roy I know - until they say he has got authority - surely he just the same as the rest of us?
That post is 3 days old and has, I believe, been overtaken bt other osts by Accy.
No need for that at all.... Just what is not needed.....why do ya do it... and no not a pet just a mate... We dont need it and its just stupid to continue... Yes slob like ya style....MOND not a good move but hey ho.....Happy Xmas...
yej I am just the same as you lot always will be but I also like the site and I think you guys do but he getting to many complaints. Its getting out of hand.... There is no need for it and why all the hostility. :rolleyes:
well - let him handle it then minimouse - he dont need a poodle!

how can you have a pre=warning after a warning?
and they're no need fer you parpin on about it. if you dunt like it you know what to do. is this your purpose in life? to end the use of certain mixes of letters because you feel its not needed or what?
what the problem wiff type watt in a different order?
i honestly can't see how any normal person can be offended by a simple thing like a typed word, its not like it can hurt you or anything.
Why ? I had some PMs from accy and I am also pointing it out. Like I did about 2 weeks ago... There is a meeting going on soon in accrington about this problem. Its out of order and I aint nobodys B***h BTW.
If you like the site you would do the same and just get ppl to curb there tong its not hard to do so why all the S***.
Hey slob i have no probs with ppl typing but when the kids ask DAD whats ******* MEAN well its a bit wrong. Its a public site and should be used like one. There is going to be a area sorted for adult content. If ya look at some posts since accy posted its made no diff so I also posting to get it noticed. No harm in that or was it just a post waiting to be attacked...:confused:
there is no need to swear - just coz yu put ** in the words - we still know wot yu mean. If yu dont like it - have a vote!
LMAO......yeh funny..... I will leave it at that....i not arguing for the sake of it....Just making it noticed. If you think its pointed directly at whoever its not because there is langage all over the site...
well leave the site then

Thats easy to do... i been here long enough now to know its a good site...Why would I want to do that... Its easyer to just get ppl to chill out with Hard words......NO NEED for it at all.....

You was all missing the site when it was down.... Who got it back up for ya faster than planned............:cool: ask roy.....

I recieve PMs from ppl asking for help due to my avatar yeh you and I know about it but ppl like to have someone to speak to and at this moment in time the site is in need of just that and if i can stand in then at least someone is out there to help. OWT wrong with that ?
Well if DADs were a bit more resposible they would not allow kids access to the internet ffs.

what gives you the right to whine on about other peoples posts. well i guess we all know who it is thats whingin to accy and roy eh!

Roy .. Accy many thank for your efforts puttin this site together ive truly enjoyed it. sorry if i have contributed inapropriate material but to coin minimans phrase hey ho! at 44 year old i realy dont need to be chastised for using adult language.
im with sheddy on this

Bye chaps have fun:rolleyes:

oh hope you all have a happy xmas :D

sorry if that upsets muslims or whoever!:rolleyes:
Ya not being chastised just asked to chill it...... Like said earlyer its not pointed at anybody just a pointer. We all know ya chat on MSM so why the post ya did earlyer ? Maybe ya been in the Gaylander Pub to long tonight.....:)
Oh well the idiots can't articulate anger without profanity...... Diddums you big kids.

IF you can't make your point without obscenity then you havn't got a point anyway, i am by far the most foul mouthed bloke any of you have ever met (disagree, then come meet me.....), but i don't feel the need to use foul language in a written form as it shows a general lack of vocabulary which hints at a less than average intelligence. Obviously this is my opinion only but i believe this behavior and lack of effort is on a par with 'txt tlk' which i won't entertain for even a second. If you can't be bothered to take the time to respond to a post in a reasonable fashion then we have an old Yorkshire saying you may or may not be interested in, it goes like this; 'If tha knaws nowt, say nowt an' 'appen nobody'll notice'. This is my opinion only and if you disagree then walk down to your nearest main road and see if you can find anybody that gives a damn what you think..........;)

Have fun replying as i won't be swayed here or there anyway........


Mr arrogant and conceited.............
EY up MM & JW you Riff Raffians how yer doing me ICQ's gone west keeps having a fight with AVG and my firewallthing.

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