Hi all, welcome back to the new and improved LandyZone.

Yes, you can now upload files!

Yes it looks a little different!

Yes there are some things missing and not quite right!

I'm working on it, but wanted to get the forum back open tonight!
Just needs the time changed back to the foot of the post and all is hunky dory from my end.... oh, and if the anaemic salmon colour can be changed to something darkerer then I think it will pass for tickety-boo.
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Hi all, welcome back to the new and improved LandyZone.

Yes, you can now upload files!

Yes it looks a little different!

Yes there are some things missing and not quite right!

I'm working on it, but wanted to get the forum back open tonight!


wished to say an enormous thks for resolving the forums issues , imagine a lot of work went in behind the scenes

plus really like the ” similar thread section “ that’s been added , hopefully it will also reduce the same subject being repeated,

along with many others a big thank u
If only LZ was a proper professional set up with commercialisation of content prioritised and strictly controlled members and paid mods instead of a couple of Landy enthusiasts...

Be careful what you wish for :vb-eyes:
I only wished for the forum to work properly and for the owners to give us updates, rather than no response.

I'm sorry if this great tragedy has upset and traumatised you.:rolleyes:
Since the new forum layout i have not been getting any notifications to my email address, of the threads i have posted on or follow any reason why please can anyone say
Hey, someone's tampered with the forum lists, AG used to be bottom of the first swathe (status dependant) now it's bottom of the second.

In other news, Adrian Flux have had no communications from anyone on here for 3 years, at least via this site,

if they ain't paying then perhaps they need turfing.
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