oh ffs stick to the original offer of the field near Salisbury, anyone who can't make it tough titties yeah!
When I first suggested this I knew there was no way of pleasing everyone. The field offered is great and i'm looking forward to going. If there are a few people interested in meeting in the Midlands area as well then great it shouldn't be limited to one area if there is the interest. At the end of the day we are all here to enjoy ourselves and enjoy our South but I can sort somewhere in the Midlands as well if anyone is interested.

Meet 1 = that guys field and Sailsbury plain.

Meet 2 (if meet 1 was vaguely a success) = somewhere in the middle

Meet 3 (if meet 2 was vaguely a success) = somewhere in the North.

And so on and so forth.

Suggest you put up a date the field is available and stick to that date and location.
When I first suggested this I knew there was no way of pleasing everyone. The field offered is great and i'm looking forward to going. If there are a few people interested in meeting in the Midlands area as well then great it shouldn't be limited to one area if there is the interest. At the end of the day we are all here to enjoy ourselves and enjoy our South but I can sort somewhere in the Midlands as well if anyone is interested.

Please add me too the list of names that would genuinely like to come to this, your offer of a field near Salisbury plain is brilliant (thank you), no matter what weekend it is include me and the missus and I will happily pay towards toilets bbq etc before.:)

As for anyone who thinks it may not happen or it may be too far for them........don't come!! we'll tell you how good it was after the fact:p:D.
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seems a womens point of view is needed as you men are getting all a little heated!! My partner is a member of the vectra club and they have area reps who arrange local meets, so why not instead of moaning that it isnt near you organise you own thing in your local area, and stop ****ing on everyone elses fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:fencing:
seems a womens point of view is needed as you men are getting all a little heated!! My partner is a member of the vectra club and they have area reps who arrange local meets, so why not instead of moaning that it isnt near you organise you own thing in your local area, and stop ****ing on everyone elses fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:fencing:
L/Z aint a club its a forum, OP suggested a forum meet, Theres members all over the UK it'd be common sense that somewhere central would appeal to more L/Z members than a meet up norf or down sarf, wherever it takes place im sure it'll be great if i can make it i'll go...thats mar pennies wuff
C'mon let's not get distracted, the place has been set already - near the plains is ideal - we have a venue let's not put the bloke off!
Ere if it's £5 per tent & I brung me big tent we'll get the whole fooking forum on for A fiver :D :D
C'mon let's not get distracted, the place has been set already - near the plains is ideal - we have a venue let's not put the bloke off!

Agreed, near the plains is perfect, the bloke is being a legend offering a venue so let's stop moaning and have fun.:):):):):).
When the S*L*U*Ts founded the extremely successful maiden 'Chip Run' two years ago it was only successful due to a) people supporting it and coming from all parts of the country to participate and b) the incredible effort made by the team over a 3 month period to ensure that the day was planned to the nth degree so it would run smoothly - it took up huge amounts of time, effort (and money, though we never charged a penny) to sort. I wish you well in getting this off the ground guys but be concious of the fact that some people may travel a long way to attend and for some a half arsed weekend wont be good enough, people still talk about the Chip Run 2 years on and I keep getting asked by peeps 'whats next?', so get it right first time and you might just start the phenomenon of an annual LZ forum meet....:)
I am well up for it, so is the misses.
I wanna meet some of the locals and people on here and maybe chip off for a ride in the landys on the plain or just drink beer round a fire.
Oh BTW regarding the BBQ I only eat fish or veggie:D:D

PaulWilde Re: Forum meet
Originally Posted by derrangedrover
We don't allow dogs.

Damn, i gotta give this a miss then, my dawg is part n parcel of the family, can't go leaving him at home.

I have two Jack Russell's that Also wanna come.:rolleyes:
Is the 'no dogs' rule purely because they **** and **** all over the place or for another reason, e.g. sheep next door or whatever? :D
I am well up for it, so is the misses.

I have two Jack Russell's that Also wanna come.:rolleyes:

Fook me your forwards int ya?? Ya can share My tent if ya want :D There's plenty of room. The dogs will have to stay in the motor though. :eek:

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