Just one idea, perhaps a local band for the Sat night, bring your own chairs and a BBQ......if weathers good...again this could be covered by a small charge.

Something on the Saturday night would be a good idea. I work for a brewery so should be able to arrange some "liquid sponsorship"
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It wont happen anyway so im glad were busy to be honest, bloody forum is full of people that say there gonna do something and then never do.

what a load of ****e MG loads of people have done loads of trips and meets. just coz you've set up a money making 4x4 tour web site dont go dissin this place
what a load of ****e MG loads of people have done loads of trips and meets. just coz you've set up a money making 4x4 tour web site dont go dissin this place

Not dissin it matey, if you look back at my first post id be well up for this as i think we should do one or two meets like this every year, i just cant see it happening in all honesty.
I think if enough people know its happening it can happen.
Glastonbury started from a few hippy meeting in a ****ty field, now its nearly half a million meeting in a field.
There are errors in that analogy:D
It wont happen anyway so im glad were busy to be honest, bloody forum is full of people that say there gonna do something and then never do.

Christ ain't you a jovial one! :mad::doh::doh::doh:

You've said it twice now, and nobody gave a s**t -- now are you going to keep ****ing on the bonfire or shove off?
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