R U sure that I'm wrong....

you're not getting mixed up with the 2500 ltr / annum of duty free fuel are you?
Right thats it .....Anyone that comes on asking about using veg oil, from now on we deny all knowledge of ever talking about it and researching it....it will stop all the cheap oil flying out of the supermarkets.....An trewy I know someone who's good at breaking into sheds if you need their number. I could do with a share of them 150 bottles
not a problem - I've got a fook-orft pair of bolt croppers!;)

Meet yur at Oddies then....I'll bring you axle wiv me
fek arf ya buggahs!!! Just got back from Exeter and managed to do another stock up - unfortunately i think most of the checkout ladies know me now!!! They only put 40 on the shelf at a time, and the supermarket is a pain to get to coz you can only get there in one direction on the A30:mad: luckily work are payin the petrol to get there so it's worth the detour:D
AT LAST!!! Me Mum and Dad saw some of the Pura in their Tesco Extra so they bought me some. I do mean some as, my mum being the loving, caring soul she is, thought it would be rude to take ALL the bottles...so she took 8.

8?!?!?!?!?! Bless 'er. :eek:

I can't see a reason not to hoard it as we're hardly going to run out of veg oil but you can't always get it in the quantities you want for a fill. I'm gonna be sorting me Booker card out soon though then can get 20L drums for 56ppl. A bit easier to store that way. :p
for give me. I'm sure when I was using vegetable oil I had to pay fuel duty on it?
so how come you're telling you don't?
(I'm not trying to upset anyone here but would like to be completely clear on this)
Law changed in July 07. Govt allow 2500 l pa own produced bio fuel. This includes veg.
you may or may not be interested in knowing (and I might even be wrong any way).
My understanding it that using vegetable oil (and not paying the appropriate fuel duty to C&E) is just as naughty as using red diesel!

yep as you say YOUR WRONG!
2500 lts per year tax free
fek arf ya buggahs!!! Just got back from Exeter and managed to do another stock up - unfortunately i think most of the checkout ladies know me now!!! They only put 40 on the shelf at a time, and the supermarket is a pain to get to coz you can only get there in one direction on the A30:mad: luckily work are payin the petrol to get there so it's worth the detour:D
Order through tesco online with your shopping .Pura brand 50p a litre and if you book a delivery slot they recomend its normally reduced...
Order through tesco online with your shopping .Pura brand 50p a litre and if you book a delivery slot they recomend its normally reduced...
Unfortunately our local one doesn't do it so it doesn't appear on the list of products available to us online:mad: the only 2 tescos that do it are about 20 miles away so it's a bit of an excursion and a bit hit and miss as to whether there's any on the shelf!
My local tesco doesn't have the cheap stuff even though it's a big un. They do have oil in 15 litre cans but it's 82p a litre. Cheapest I can find round these parts at the mo is 78p in lidl which is exactly 40p cheaper than derv at my local garage.
went into tesco yesturday and they have that pura at about a quid a litre......so went to lidl and cleared them out of there 300 litres at 78p a litre....... :)
Unfortunately our local one doesn't do it so it doesn't appear on the list of products available to us online:mad: the only 2 tescos that do it are about 20 miles away so it's a bit of an excursion and a bit hit and miss as to whether there's any on the shelf!
Costco or the chinese supermarket are normally fair. Though I've not been since the price hikes have started. The red stuff can be purchased quite cheaply and can be delivered to a friends business if you know someone. Once you have it you can die it yellow & filter it through a product called fullers earth. Both low in cost over a large literage. I'm not suggesting you doe this I'm just merely pointing out how the scientific community have learnt it can be untraceable through lab testing.
I'm trying to upset you veg oil dudes.....BUT
I think you'll find that unless you have an ester content of less than 98% doesn't count as bio-diesel (or something like that). in which case you'd still have to pay the duty....:confused:

As soon as I get a bit more time I'll check / look into it. Unless someone else can find it before me.....

I which case what you really need is someone to make the biodiesel for you (assuming you want cheap fuel legally). ... :D

Which just happens to be exactly what I'm planning to start providing for the equivilant of less than 90p / ltr.