Well, am orf to see mr Grunt on Tuesday (he doesn't know it yet) an just up the road at Long Riston is one of the cheapest LPG stations in the North - still only 49.9p ;)
Evenin' nick;) Aye no sae bad, yesel'?
bin a bit busy past few days but gettin' on top of things now:D

better now everything is sorted:D , but gotta get the wkends beer and fill up in the morn, tanks nearly empty so gonna take a lot of bottles of oil to fill er up:rolleyes: about 35 lts of oil and the same doosle
thats about half hour gone:(
see ya soon

went off lookin at utube sorry took so long to come back
diesel around here is 115.9 at a good garage
and 113.9 at tesco or morrisins
i'd rather pay the extra 2p
The 'crude' cost of a ltr of diesel is about 35p.
The rest is tax... in the UK we pay duty and THEN 17.5% VAT!!!
That's around 190% tax!
Even the slightest rise in the cost of crude represents HUGE increases in revenue... for the Government!
Sure the oil companies are shafting us, but it's our Labor Government taking me from behind that ****es me!
I AM calm, nurse
If anyone is interested I'm hoping to be 'supplying' biodiesel (in and around the B'ham area) for about 85p / ltr in a few weeks (well lets say 6 weeks). Want to be sure the quality right / consitant first. - could have sworn I already posted this.... but then I am new to this so perhaps I getting confused.
If anyone is interested I'm hoping to be 'supplying' biodiesel (in and around the B'ham area) for about 85p / ltr in a few weeks (well lets say 6 weeks). Want to be sure the quality right / consitant first. - could have sworn I already posted this.... but then I am new to this so perhaps I getting confused.

Im interested m8!!

PM me and let me have more details.
If anyone is interested I'm hoping to be 'supplying' biodiesel (in and around the B'ham area) for about 85p / ltr in a few weeks (well lets say 6 weeks). Want to be sure the quality right / consitant first. - could have sworn I already posted this.... but then I am new to this so perhaps I getting confused.

Can anyone tell me if there is any issue in running modern diesel engines on BioDiesel??

I have a couple of vans, a '04 range rover and me trusty old LR90.

Im well interested in running the vans and my landy on the stuff, but would you risk running a Rangy on it too??

can I suggest you get intouch with    ::  GreenFuels Ltd.  ::   Europe's  largest  Biodiesel  equipment  supplier    . have a look at there website the MD runs his Range Rover on the stuff (so I understand).
There's a little way to go yet but my basic business plan is to enable people to obtain biodiesel for circa 85p / ltr to their door. the only down side for the customer (once they've done the research and are happy with running on biodiesel mixed with diesel or neat) is that it will be bulk only - ie 400 ltrs or more.

one other things regards new engines and bio. I think all new citreons and peugeots are warrantied for upto 30% bio....In my books that actually means they have no concerns running at 50% + but have factored in a margin.

If you have a look at the future-fuels.co.uk website you'll see there generall rule is anything between about 1990-2004 will run 100% (plus addative in winter) and 50% after that.

can I suggest you get intouch with ***::* GreenFuels Ltd.* ::** Europe's* largest* Biodiesel* equipment* supplier ***. have a look at there website the MD runs his Range Rover on the stuff (so I understand).
There's a little way to go yet but my basic business plan is to enable people to obtain biodiesel for circa 85p / ltr to their door. the only down side for the customer (once they've done the research and are happy with running on biodiesel mixed with diesel or neat) is that it will be bulk only - ie 400 ltrs or more.

one other things regards new engines and bio. I think all new citreons and peugeots are warrantied for upto 30% bio....In my books that actually means they have no concerns running at 50% + but have factored in a margin.

If you have a look at the future-fuels.co.uk website you'll see there generall rule is anything between about 1990-2004 will run 100% (plus addative in winter) and 50% after that.

Thanks for the info! I am certainly interested in your supply. Let me know as soon as your ready to deliver!

just as way of an up date, the pump on my processor has proven to be faulty and therefore delivery of and my 2 day training course have been postponed. however the pump is due to be replaced this week so once thats done and I've been on the course and done a bit of trialing and home I'll let you know. I'm hoping there will be alot of interest from people in general on this forum. I've spoken to a few LR owners locally (B'ham) and there appears to be a reasonable amount of interest (hardly surprising with the cost of fuel?). I need to start building my website for this only time seems to be in short supply. Out of interest where are you based ?
haha but yer won't have got any yesterday coz i emptied the shelf and you won't get any tomorrow coz i'll empty the shelf then as well! Yu wanna see me stockpile!!! (well, it's about 150 now plus a full tank of the stuff!) - the benefits of taking a hire car up to Exeter!!! :) :) :D :D
Price of Diesel has gone up down here in aus alot too

I saw a price of AU$1.30 :eek: the other day Thats about 53p a ltr :eek:
you may or may not be interested in knowing (and I might even be wrong any way).
My understanding it that using vegetable oil (and not paying the appropriate fuel duty to C&E) is just as naughty as using red diesel!