
Well-Known Member
In the unlikely event that anyone wants to ask me a question, PM me with an email address.
Very sorry to hear that Keith....

I have to say this new format will take some getting used too, but as your signature quotes the famous saying [The Serenity Prayer] 'May I be granted the serenity to accept the things I cannot change...'

Hope you will not be 'offline' for too long as it will be a massive shame to loose someone so knowledgable and has gone out of his way to selflessly help others either by posting advice and opine to supplying a cost effective EAS cable to the masses not so talented as yourself.

God speed my friend.....
I'm sure grumbles are being read and considered. Early days.
Even so, leaving the site because the format's changed seems a bit harsh.
It's still the same people.
Actually, I suppose that doesn't help much when it comes to asking you to reconsider.

Bit dramatic:confused:.... the new format isn't that bad just different youll not figure it out if your not even on here.
Very sorry to hear that Keith....

I have to say this new format will take some getting used too, but as your signature quotes the famous saying [The Serenity Prayer] 'May I be granted the serenity to accept the things I cannot change...'

Hope you will not be 'offline' for too long as it will be a massive shame to loose someone so knowledgable and has gone out of his way to selflessly help others either by posting advice and opine to supplying a cost effective EAS cable to the masses not so talented as yourself.

God speed my friend.....

It's already improved since the first 'switch-on' and I am sure it will soon improve and/or get back to nearer how it was. Meanwhile I can only endorse Ant's comments. Come back soon Keith!

Yes, that is a shame. :(

Hope you come back soon mate, sure some of the glitches will get sorted in due course.
You will be missed!
If this keeps up, I'll soon be top expert here! Problem is, my expertise is limited to telling peeps to check their spark plugs when their diesel lump is acting up.
Dude, give it a while and you'll soon find your way around. I've been at it for about an hour and it's almost second nature now.

Oh wait… this is probably pointless if Datatek has gone already , it'll be too late. He won't know we've replied.

Oh the dilemma!
If this keeps up, I'll soon be top expert here! Problem is, my expertise is limited to telling peeps to check their spark plugs when their diesel lump is acting up.

My diesel was running a bit rough last weekend. I never thought to try that.

Cheers pal. Il give it a go.

Oh wait a minute…
You're all assuming he isn't going to be here because of the new format. It could be he is having real life problems that are taking priority. Like the realisation that the MR2 in his shed has turned into a pile of rust. As they all do.
(My water drop has gone all fuzzy!)
Maybe I've missed it - but did he say it was because of the changes?
Anyhoo - if you are still there Data - Please don't go! Invaluable help, advice and inspirational grumpiness. This place just won't be the same without you.

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