And now I see I'm being described as 'Active member'. Blimey! That's a bit personal (and presumptious!)
(This is just a ploy to get TomCat involved...)
Sad that you're not going to be around for a while but approaching 29,000 posts, I'd say you've earned a well deserved rest. Catch up on some sleep :)
I'd like to see anyone own one of these vehicles and not get grumpy from time to time!!!!
I don't get grumpy with the thing to bits...

We have had our ups and downs, but I have never got fed up with my L322
Sad that you're not going to be around for a while but approaching 29,000 posts, I'd say you've earned a well deserved rest. Catch up on some sleep :)
Sweet jesus I didn't realise he had done so many in such a short time.. Still just a drop in the Ocean compared to Rosie !.. she has a view on eeeeevery bleeding thing with 7k in less than a year...(insert smiley face joke emoticon here)
Sweet jesus I didn't realise he had done so many in such a short time.. Still just a drop in the Ocean compared to Rosie !.. she has a view on eeeeevery bleeding thing with 7k in less than a year...(insert smiley face joke emoticon here)
are you saying it's just like a woman to stick her oar in everything? that's v sexist.. you sexist pig! :p :D
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I've heard that people refer to the Land Rover brand as love/hate but love always comes out on top for me. It would take a disaster of global propotions for me to turn on mine
I've had the raging hump with mine when I have been fixing various things but really I am only angry at myself and my inabilities as whenever I have finished the job, generally I think to myself I could do that again now but much quicker and less stressful, saying that, I don't want to take my transmission out again...
I bought the thing against the advice of don't touch it, it will cost you a fortune and will constantly break but i sort of like that, my girlfriend is a bit of a nutter as well:D
I've had the raging hump with mine when I have been fixing various things but really I am only angry at myself and my inabilities as whenever I have finished the job, generally I think to myself I could do that again now but much quicker and less stressful, saying that, I don't want to take my transmission out again...
I bought the thing against the advice of don't touch it, it will cost you a fortune and will constantly break but i sort of like that, my girlfriend is a bit of a nutter as well:D
Dammit, so you don't fancy taking mine out then ..... ( the gearbox not the girlfriend that is mind :D)
I know I'm a no body around here and everyone seems to be in mourning for the tragic temporary loss of a member, but honestly - I can't be the only one thinking "get a bloody grip, man" can I??

It's just a forum update ffs.

Although saying that, the emoticons are a bit ****! :oops:o_O:confused:

Will datatek also give up computers and the whole Internet in a minute when windows 10 launches and the old familiar Internet Explorer gets eradicated?
I know I'm a no body around here and everyone seems to be in mourning for the tragic temporary loss of a member, but honestly - I can't be the only one thinking "get a bloody grip, man" can I??

It's just a forum update ffs.

Although saying that, the emoticons are a bit ****! :oops:o_O:confused:

Will datatek also give up computers and the whole Internet in a minute when windows 10 launches and the old familiar Internet Explorer gets eradicated?

you have no body? are you a ghosty? (also yes, down with the gay smilies! and grips!)
I suspect it's to do with the fact that grumpy old cnuts cannot get up again after reaching down to pick up their dummies.
Dammit, so you don't fancy taking mine out then ..... ( the gearbox not the girlfriend that is mind :D)
Taking it out is the easy ish part, lifting the damn thing back in is a bit tricky. (again not talking about the 2 I/C)
Have you decided what you are doing yet ?
And now I see I'm being described as 'Active member'. Blimey! That's a bit personal (and presumptious!)
(This is just a ploy to get TomCat involved...)
Well it worked, bloody hell I've been away for 3 weeks and look what happened!!! God help us, Wammers is back today, he'll have no one to argue with.:)

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