
Active Member
The 4 x buttons don't light up one bulb is missing behind. The 4 the other side are working fine has anyone else had the problem? Cheers

The volume buttons are not in use but are they easy to re wire to be used else where?
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Nope... but I would if their bulbs had blown, and the radio head unit control buttons are variable resistors not a switch, the head unit looks for the variance in resistance and acts accordingly.
Ok cheers Discool just thought there might be something technical in with in the dash all the fuses are fine I've learnt to ask before taking things apart lol.
The bulbs could be 'hard wired' in, but I may be wrong as I've never had to look :) the switch is easy to removed (pull out).
Yer I've had them apart to take the bulb out but one was missing the 4 switches on the right light up but the left don't just wondered if there was a technical difference or simply buy bulbs
Today I knocked the volume switch and the fog light tell tail light came on? if there on seperate switches how? Or where would they connect?

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