
New Member
Hi. Will try and keep this concise... Had the Discovery 2 2004 for a few weeks now, and I'm quite a new driver too, so I don't have much knowledge about cars or this car at all. I'm embarassed to admit how little I know.

Right... First things. I don't have the spare key. It is 50 miles away in Aberdeen at my husbands mums. I do have the security code. My Husband is offshore at the moment, and I need to pick him up with this car tomorrow.

I, in my infinite wisdom, left my lights on overnight 2 days ago, as I parked hard up against a wall with the drivers side blocked, and got out the passenger side - so the warning beeps never went off to say I left the lights on. Went back the day after - doors not unlocking, car wont start. Even immobiliser light not flashing. Dead, dead, dead. So today my Mum and I tried to jump start it with her car, but as soon as we connect the black bit, the alarm goes off, and when i try and turn the key absolutely nothing happens. doesnt even attempt to start, so I assume the immobiliser is kicking in as well. Is my thinking right? And how in gods name above, do I get my bloody car started? Has it lost it's connection with my key fob? Have I ruined my car? My hubby is nae gonna be happy when I tell him about this. And because he is on an oil rig, I cant even phone him for help!
Any tips or info would be greatly appreciated!!


Hi sorry to hear that, some things to make the issue clearer
1. did you open the car with the key or with the remote?
2. when u turn the key in ignition are the warning lamps coming on normally?
3. do somehow to put the battery on a charger for at least 4 hours if it's drained out completely... or if u are in a hurry swap your battery with a powerfull one... you need more voltage than u can get through some jump leads from a smaller car...actually the D2 needs very good battery to start.

After the battery is charged lock/unlock with the remote then try to start it... if no joy, lock with the remote, unlock/lock with key, unlock with remote then try to start again .... if the red LED on dash will be constantly on while u turn the ignition on it means it's immobolised and u need to enter EKA (security)code.... if u'll need i'll post you here the procedure but it might start with a well charged battery.... be aware, if your battery is old it could not be well ressurected and u might need a new one

try what i said and if no joy we'll speak again
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My honest opinion is that if you or your mum are in the AA or similar you'd be best phoning them. It's what they're there for and that it's exactly what they do! They'll get you up and running very quickly;)
If you have light jump leads just connect them up and leave your mum's car running .
Don't attempt to start the Discovery for about 10 mins or so - give the car time to put some current into the battery .
Has worked for me many times with various vehicles
I have an 04 Discovery and a pretty similar thing happened to me last week. The battery went flat in Morrison's car park (courtesy of grandson and light switch interaction).

Thankfully it was unlocked though. A battery pack had absolutely no chance. I did use my recovery and he came in another Disco, attached heavy duty jump leads, revved his engine for the best part of 10 mins and then mine started. They really do need a good kick to start. I decided that it was time for a battery change anyway because I saw that the battery was the original one (not bad going really). The real kick in the pants will come when you ask the price of a decent new battery. That will give a shock (sorry).

As for the alarm, if it goes off won't the remote switch it off? I would probably call your recovery people as it appears that the knowledge of such things you have is limited ("the black thing"...). No insult intended. :)
Hi all. Thank you so very much for all your replies. I took the advice and we used Mums RAC coverage she has for herself. The guy was very helpful and we got it all fixed up. He said he had fixed the problem before.
So thanks again.
Bloomin' great forum by the way! A grinding noise (sounds like metal on metal scraping and a kind of lurchy thud) has been intermittant since we bought it, and the dealership are being lazy about sorting it out under guarantee. It's a pretty horrendous noise to be honest. 6 miles from home after giving it a good hour and a half run to recharge the battery it came back worse than I had heard it, and the ABS and Traction control lights came on. I phoned the dealership, he asked can I drive it the 40 miles to him..... NO! He said well risk driving it home and he'll phone me tomorrow. ( They've already sent out a very young lad to look at it and he said there's nothing to see and he drove it and there was no sound. But the sound isn't always there!!) After I pulled away from stopping to phone him the grinding disappeared until I got it home driving 30mph whole way. One thing after another with this one. Got the roof resealed a fortnight ago after it came pouring in a week after buying it. (the dealership did it of course) I might cry.... I don't trust the dealership to fix it properly, or care enough to actually look into it. The sound is intermittant and random. Happens on straights, turning left and right, accellerating gently, breaking, and between 25 to 60 mph. Haven't heard it for a week, and have used the car a fair bit, even parking in a field for an agriculture show at the weekend.....
If anyone has any suggestions that I could tell the dealers tomorrow they could look into, I would be very greatful! Think they're a bit clueless. Feel like just putting it into a land rover garage and paying the bill....

Cheers again,


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