
Active Member
Hi guys, I have a 2001 td4 fl1, very happy with it but it has developed a fault. When you first press the brake pedal all ok but if you press it quickly again it is solid with no brakes (no matter how many times you pump it it stays solid) drive 10 secs and same again, fine if you only press brakes once, but solid if you press brake pedal again quickly? TIA
Sounds like a lack of boost from the servo. Most likely cause is a vacuum leak between the vacuum pump and servo.
i had the same problem - found a frayed vacuum pipe between the main vac line and the controller for the EGR
Found the bracket holding the solenoid on has snapped, looks like its rubbed through in a few places, I am going to move the solenoid although extending the cable looks a wee bit tight, will post results once finished, thanks for help
Just to update, fault was the vacuum hoses. Main pipe going over and down the back of the engine block was badly perished as well as the broken braket. Job done now I have brakes again. Thanks for all the help. :)

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