
New Member
I've recently bought a 97 2.5 diesel P38 and wondered how easy it would be to fit cruise control - either original from second hand parts or an aftermarket kit if available. I realise I'd need steering wheel, switches etc -any info on costs, suppliers and fitting would be much appreciated!

Kevin Dunlop
The cruise control on the diesel P38's is very different to the petrol variants. Its all done electonically. Whether or not its just an option in the BeCM I dont know. I know there is a cruise control ECU thats needed but what else is im not sure.

Download a copy of RAVE RangeRovers.net :: View topic - RAVE Downloads (10Mb/s link) to learn more about the cruise control system used in the diesel P38. The d/l also includes the electronics troubleshooting manual as well so you can see how its all wired etc :)

-Wills :)

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