Right......who's takin bets on how long till you drive off after forgetting to unlock it?:D:D:D:D
A high fence and gates won't stop the tw&ts getting in, but it'll enable you to keep a hungry looking dog in there and thievin scum don't like dogs.
a coating of blackjack anti-vandal paint on top of the wall or fence and also the top of the gate will help disuade them from wanting to hop over em.;)
a coating of blackjack anti-vandal paint on top of the wall or fence and also the top of the gate will help disuade them from wanting to hop over em.;)
Or filthy old axle grease works well if you dont want to spend on paint.
after my last defender that went missing i put a security post in, then baught a rangey classic till the insurance paid out. One day came home from work opened gates etc and jumped back into my rangey and put in reverse. a second later THUD followed by AHH ****!!! and i was'nt going slow as i do this every day in my defender. got out to see what damage it had done, lets just say the rangey came off a lot worse!! bent bumper in half and went through rear body x member!!:doh:
Depends on the type of post I guess.

If you fitted a telescopic post then Im sure it would work. I guess your tarmac is only a few inches thick, with clay/subsoil underneath. I think when its in the upright position there is still about 300mm of post still below ground.

The hard bit is digging the hole, which I did by hand as I was frightened of hitting service pipes etc if I used a mechanical hole borer.

The only negative side is that my drive is on solid clay, so the post hole will surely fill with water with nowhere for it to drain.

Was goin to fit a lift off post, but thought a telescopic post might mean I can get the wife to lift it at night if I forget:D

We used to have these at the puggit dealership in Christchurch where i worked. we used to laugh in the morning after it had been ****ing down all night when the sales team went out bleary eyed and dropped the posts in the holes, 4 guysers would come shooting up and inevitably soak the sales guys :D
Nice to hear your winning the battle, Mikey.

Good advice given also, thanks:)

Heres the anchor im going to order, along with their 19mm chain and Squire padlock.

Not cheap, but should do the job. Where do you anchor yours from Mikey, axle or chassis?

It is also 19mm chain & squire padlock, which is anchored to the chassis, and concreted in at the other end. It's bolted on with cone torque nuts at one end, and ballbearing hammered facing hex hole.

As regards gates stoppin em gettin in...
Most barriers can ultimately be climbed over etc, as can those that I've got, but they are wrought iron, 5ft tall with ornamental spikes on the top. Point is you can't just 'hop over'/ get over easily.

What happened before, was that even with ground anchor, post, disklok, second car parked in front of landy, etc, it didn't stop them coming onto my drive and having a go at stealing my landy - even with all that lot.

They were safe in the knowledge that if they were disturbed they could make a quick exit, just by running off.

Whether they could take it or not, I don't want them even having ago in the first place, and doing what ever damage in the process.

The locked gates mean that they can not simply walk on to my drive. If they are disturbed (which would be very likely now ;)), then they are trapped, albeit momentarily and can't simply leg it out of there, making it more likely I would catch them.

It increases the risk for them. I am not for one minute suggesting that it is impossible to nick my landy, but it just means in reality they move on to easier targets - which sad to say they HAVE actually done.

And yes we have to check every time before driving off, that everything is 'unlocked/off/closed/retracted'.
It's a bit of pain in the arse to be honest, but the reality is, if I want a landy, and want to keep it, then I have to do these things.
Shoot a couple of the f*ckers dead, they will think twice about even looking at someone elses vehicle.
wow and i thought shuting the door was going over the top! i think your landy will be safer in pakistan
I might get Harvey (Jordans son) to crawl around my drive at night.

Take a brave man to take him on!:D

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