thanks to brian and mr. noisy for the other two posts above as well...

i don't actually have a 22mm or 24mm spanner or socket! lol, i do have the wheel brace though... and presumably with the horn and airbag fuses removed and the airbag remove, i can still drive the car to halfords to buy a socket of that size, right?

As for the screwdriver earthing the horn contact, even if i just touch it and apply no pressure whatsoever it makes the horn sound! if it was that sensitive you'd think a jolt in the road would set it off! could the magnetic screwdriver be inducing a current and kinda earthing it without actually earthing it, if you know what i mean? i'm not soo bothered about this - i'll just take the fuse out - it's interesting though.

thanks to you, brian, as well for the offer of time and garage space :)

as mentioned though, it's hard to bring a list of problems with me because as soon as i fix one i notice another... i've not had multiple ones at once yet (until now, but one is potentially major!).

Also, if i crack out the tools, get half way through and need advice, there's no guarantee the advice will come in fast enough, and i could be stuck on my drive unable to get to work again, depending on when i ask for the advice, so i have to be careful...

i have enough of a plan in my head about the steering wheel now anyway, so as long as i can drive the car with no airbag fuse, no horn fuse and no airbag, i should be fine...
happy page 100 everybody xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Ha! You posted it on page 101... sorry about that! We must have posted simultaneously (almost)!

I changed my doughnt without touching the handbrake side!

Tell me you have a Haynes manual. That is very helpful for most jobs.

I do have the Haynes manual, and a printed version of Rave, as well as keeping Rave on my iPhone just in case!

I actually changed my doughnut while at Drizz's workshop with you and a couple of others if you remember... we went to McDonalds in my Disco! I tried to do it without removing the handbrake side but had no choice in the end... i forget who finally got the prop shaft off in the end, but i couldn't and didn't want to apply too much force to it in case i broke something! I think Drizz did it in the end once all the nuts and bolts were off...
Annoyingly when I first checked it it showed on page 100, now it shows on page 101. Bugger!

You can drive to Halfords with the airbag out no problem, but your airbag light will probably come on. It might self reset when plugged up but this is usually not the case.

Simply unscrew the airbag, check the size, temporarily slot/screw it back in, drive to Halfords, etc etc.

Cheers :)
Most socket sets should have the correct size. It's a large nut but nothing unusual. I thought it was 19mm or something.
if it's 19mm, i'll be fine... i don't have a 22mm or 24mm socket or spanner though... and i'd rather not stuck the adjustables or stilsons on there! :D

let's see what i discover...
It might be 19 but id be suprised.

its gonna be 17, 19, 22 or 24 (or 27) because i used one of my impact sockets (simply because they were there) which i only have in those sizes!

actually you were right before you edited your post... it is 50/50.

Well actually you would be unsure because you did not know the three that I had. One of those three was the 27mm wheel brace, so now I have two out of 4... 50/50 :D
Right... I'll explain more later, but how much for a new rotary coupler? I have no horn or airbag now despite centering it as per Rave and the SRS light is on, of course!
I followed the procedure in Rave... Push in locking pin and rotate as far anti-clockwise as it'll go. Then, still with locking pin pushed in, rotate 2.5 turns to the right. This centers it.

All then reassembled and when reversing out, turned wheel to the right, heard a few clicks and SRS light came on. Horn didn't work then either :(
Right... I'll explain more later, but how much for a new rotary coupler? I have no horn or airbag now despite centering it as per Rave and the SRS light is on, of course!

New ones are about £130 but I bought one from Ebay second-hand for about £20 which worked fine. You need to be sure you get at least an airbag one, better still airbag and cruise control.

It's the same part for TDi 300 and TD5.

I was looking at this thread a few minutes ago and I suddenly realised why I find you and this thread so frustrating. You've had your Disco for a little while now and done several jobs on it, but you never seem to learn anything that can be transferred onto other jobs - it's as if you start again from zero with every little bit of work you do on your vehicle.

It took 10 seconds to find these:

You have said on many occasions that you don't have a money to spare, so where would your first place to look for cheap spare parts - EBAY OF COURSE. Yes, they are available at scrapyards etc, but why didn't you think to do an Ebay search (which would take 2 mins to do) BEFORE boring the western world with yet another question - don't you ever fend for yourself.?

Helping someone to help themselves is one a life's great pleasures.

A muppet than doesn't learn - the very worst kind.
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i do learn... was just posting that from my mobile while away from my house... i can search eBay now i'm home... thank you for doing it for me though! Was just after a rough price guide really, at the time...
Right... having put the word "airbag" into the eBay search as well it still comes back with a few. searching for the word "cruise" instead of "airbag" though brings up nothing, which implies I might have to lose cruise control which will be a shame.

I will keep searching...
So let me get this right, you managed to get the wheel off then rather than keep the rotary part in the same position you decided to change it, even though it has worked perfectly all this time.
You might find it has simply pulled a plug apart that needs reconnecting.
I can't comment on the rotary thingy cos I've never been there yet, but as for your auto dipstick lifting out on its own and the oil leak, try wiping it all down (free :)) and then pull the dipstick out and drive her for a bit. If its a blocked breather causing pressurisation causing the oil leak, this will stop it and prove the point. If so then find your breather and unblock it.
well, i actually took it to my local garage on the way home because he said he'd just do it for me for a tenner... we kinda did it together. as the wheel came off the rotary coupler just kinda shifted and partially came out with it, so it had to be put back in. Because it had shifted we felt we ought to realign it properly.

We followed the realignment procedure perfectly, but after reassembly it just clicked a few times when i turned the wheel and stopped working. We took it apart again and the connection behind it was connected as were all other connections. We re-centered it and put it all back together again, but it just did not work.

So... having searched eBay, I cannot find a coupler with cruise control... might have to get in touch with the local indy landy dealer...

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