Anyhow and no disrespect Hippo or anybody else, but bored with the whole water in cubby hole thing - don't care! Move on:)
Boot floor looks like its been pushed up the sound proofing looks cracked ... It's prob had a off at some point and tweaked the floor
Just sums up the joys ? of owning a Freelander trying to keep the wet stuff in one end and out the other end, if only land rover had put a pump in there to refill the engine all these head gasket problems could have been avoided :D
Just sums up the joys ? of owning a Freelander trying to keep the wet stuff in one end and out the other end, if only land rover had put a pump in there to refill the engine all these head gasket problems could have been avoided :D
Yeah and they should have just directed the air con into the engine bay instead of the cab :D:D
bored with the whole water in cubby hole thing - don't care! Move on:)

And by the same token,DD3, no disrespect to you, but it is a frikkin nuisance, which has more than one problem, and certainly more than one solution. As with other threads and posts on here, if it doesn't pertain to you, then saying you don't care doesn't really cut it. I for one am p*ssed off with it, so any ideas are worthwhile, even if it has been mentioned to death.
Think I'll try and find a plastic tupperware type container that will fit the cubby hole - leaving a gap all the way around - then at least this space will be useable til I can source the leak on mine.
And by the same token,DD3, no disrespect to you, but it is a frikkin nuisance, which has more than one problem, and certainly more than one solution. As with other threads and posts on here, if it doesn't pertain to you, then saying you don't care doesn't really cut it. I for one am p*ssed off with it, so any ideas are worthwhile, even if it has been mentioned to death.

Your right Crockett, excuse my frustration - Truth is drilled a big hole in mine a couple of years back and binned the sponge mat thing and have never looked back. Truth is I'm bored with my FL but cant decide what to get next. Owning a Freelander 1 can be exhausting, as you surely know, and not sure if a Disco (on a fairly tight budget) is the answer. Done loads to mine over 5 years and its running really well, so dilemma!!
Just sums up the joys ? of owning a Freelander trying to keep the wet stuff in one end and out the other end, if only land rover had put a pump in there to refill the engine all these head gasket problems could have been avoided :D

You may have hit on something here!!:)
:Dmaybe this has dislodged some of the rumors about door rubbers then rear carpet was wet the other day but i blamed the little piddly dawg who was in the back:D
by the way i saw a disco with a ferking great long hole rusted thru the rear floor ,so i guess us hippo owners are not alone then :rolleyes:
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Owning a Freelander 1 can be exhausting, as you surely know, and not sure if a Disco (on a fairly tight budget) is the answer. Done loads to mine over 5 years and its running really well, so dilemma!!

Amen to that, brother!! :)

I was fortunate to have picked mine up relatively cheaply, because with the money I've spent so far, plus what I would have to spend to bring it back up to 4x4 spec ( VCU and, after having a new clutch assembly fitted, being told, "ooh, quite a bit of swarf / metal came out with the oil from your transfer box..." !!) I could, potentially, be spending nearly £2.5k extra on it altogether, which I will probably do at some stage, funds permitting. But it is a lovely car to drive and fairly easy to work on, the TD4 engine is sweet, and most of the electrics work.

I was also considering what I would next buy too. Missus would like either an X5 or a RR Sport (yeah, right!!), whereas for me, the jury is still out. Mind you, I would more than likely go for a more road-biased 4x4, there isn't a great demand for off roading here, I just like the driving position and safety aspects truth be told :)
Amen to that, brother!! :)

I was fortunate to have picked mine up relatively cheaply, because with the money I've spent so far, plus what I would have to spend to bring it back up to 4x4 spec ( VCU and, after having a new clutch assembly fitted, being told, "ooh, quite a bit of swarf / metal came out with the oil from your transfer box..." !!) I could, potentially, be spending nearly £2.5k extra on it altogether, which I will probably do at some stage, funds permitting. But it is a lovely car to drive and fairly easy to work on, the TD4 engine is sweet, and most of the electrics work.

I was also considering what I would next buy too. Missus would like either an X5 or a RR Sport (yeah, right!!), whereas for me, the jury is still out. Mind you, I would more than likely go for a more road-biased 4x4, there isn't a great demand for off roading here, I just like the driving position and safety aspects truth be told :)

I'm same as you, rarely off road but like the fact that could green lane if I wanted to and liking other aspects of 4x4 ownership. Part of the problem is being car savy in the first place and then spending too much time on here reading about what can go wrong! Mind you if your not car savy an LR aint for you - imagine the bills!! I'm keen to stay with the marque but needs more pondering.
:Dmaybe this has dislodged some of the rumors about door rubbers then rear carpet was wet the other day but i blamed the little piddly dawg who was in the back:D
by the way i saw a disco with a ferking great long hole rusted thru the rear floor ,so i guess us hippo owners are not alone then :rolleyes:

Disco's do suffer with the tin worm but me thinks they are more robust mechanically that FL.
Just typical int it. I start a new fred on ere for Freelander owners and the tratterers appear and start taking the ****. Yes the fish tank in our Freelanders causes a bit of concern but at least the manufacturer din’t need to go as far as creating anything more than a minor Technical Buttetin to make us aware of a “slight” water ingress.

Up yours tratterers. Tratter water ingress manwell :pound:
hmmm, I had quite a big knock on the rear 2 years ago and have had a fish tank since. Looks like its time to take the carpet out and check.
Just typical int it. I start a new fred on ere for Freelander owners and the tratterers appear and start taking the ****. Yes the fish tank in our Freelanders causes a bit of concern but at least the manufacturer din’t need to go as far as creating anything more than a minor Technical Buttetin to make us aware of a “slight” water ingress.

Up yours tratterers. Tratter water ingress manwell :pound:

Love it, us freelander owners have to stick together.
I do have to say the freelander is a great car to drive and i do love mine, but
they do test your patients. i am lucky that i am good with the spanners and
i can save money on repair bills.

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