The hydraulic tappers often make a bit of noise on start up, nothing to worry about. Possibly the sensor playing up
The hydraulic tappers often make a bit of noise on start up, nothing to worry about. Possibly the sensor playing up

thanks, i would go mad if it wasn't for you guys, i just left it running for a bit, the oil level is a little high if anything and its stopped coming up with the warning and its purring on tick over
the temp is perfect as well, i think it just needs to be used as it had stood for 4 months before i got it and now its sat on my drive for another 2 weeks

i need my allcomms, then i can really start giving you blokes some hassle
There IS a LR god; he's called Saint V8 but I don't think you've upset him yet .....

i'll go along with that, i had a bit of a hissy fit yesterday, still no news on the allcomms but at least my LCD display is showing me all the faults clearly now and the oil pressure one has gone..............for now:eek:
i have never known a vehicle like this............not sure if i need to start yet another thread but hopefully somebody can help
my battery kept going flat while its been parked on my drive waiting for my allcomms to clear customs, 8 days in customs, still nothing

anyway i have charged the battery fully with it disconnected from the vehicle, put it back on and it cranks really fast now but will show zero signs of trying to start, not even a fire

i also noticed the pipe shown below is off from somewhere, looks like a breather which could of got knocked off when i messed about with the battery

i have never had so many faults with a car and i haven't even driven it a yard since i got it home:mad:

i have just noticed also that that those two grey round cylinders in the picture are really hot so i have disconnected the battery
i am getting to the point of selling this pile of ****e for parts, offers in the kent area anyone..................
The two grey cylinders are part of the cooling system and are valves of some description...still trying to figure out what they do, but they I think are part of the auxillary coolant pump system!

As for the pipe, it looks like a breather , but not sure where from, will be going out to look at mine in a minute to see if I can find the same thing.

As for the non start issue....could be fuel pump issues... get a willing assistant to turn the ignition on while you listen under the rear seats for the hum/whine of the in tank fuel pump...
The two grey cylinders are part of the cooling system and are valves of some description...still trying to figure out what they do, but they I think are part of the auxillary coolant pump system!

As for the pipe, it looks like a breather , but not sure where from, will be going out to look at mine in a minute to see if I can find the same thing.

As for the non start issue....could be fuel pump issues... get a willing assistant to turn the ignition on while you listen under the rear seats for the hum/whine of the in tank fuel pump...

i just need a direct line to you or i could send you my car for a month..

why would the grey cylinders be really hot when i cant / havent started the car?
i know it had a new fuel pump soon before i bought it

if you could see where your pipe goes if you have one, i had the battery charger resting near it when i charged the battery, although the battery was disconnected.

things would be so much easier if customs would let me have my allcomms...

thanks mate

Can't give up just over a few issues lol

i know, i am learning a complete new outlook on life, i have been spoiled by driving VW's cars for the last 500k miles and they have this strange concept of going when you get in them, every time without fail so far, and the last one i gave back had 150k miles on the clock, all of which i did, didnt miss a beat, still life is more interesting now.............
OK, taking a goosey under my bonnet, I cannot see a loose breather in similar location or anywhere else actually...sorry

Picture attached


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The two grey cylinders are the solenoids which control valve for the HEVAC, one for each temp control knob on the dash panel, can cause issues with temp differences on either side of the cabin, also engine coolant seeps into the solenoids causes a short and can blow the panel on the dash.
Just a thought , when you were connecting/ disconnecting battery is there any chance that you shorted it? The beast would really not like that!
The two grey cylinders are the solenoids which control valve for the HEVAC, one for each temp control knob on the dash panel, can cause issues with temp differences on either side of the cabin, also engine coolant seeps into the solenoids causes a short and can blow the panel on the dash.

hmm ,that's interesting should they be really hot when the car has not been started and the ignition is off?
Just a thought , when you were connecting/ disconnecting battery is there any chance that you shorted it? The beast would really not like that!

hi mate, the battery didn't short, there were a couple of sparks when i reconnected the earth as there was an obvious current drain. the fan in the big black box under the bonnet started up straight away if that means anything
hi mate, the battery didn't short, there were a couple of sparks when i reconnected the earth as there was an obvious current drain. the fan in the big black box under the bonnet started up straight away if that means anything
Hmmmm, my fan in the E Box has never started on connection of a battery...was the ignition key in at the time??
I am no electrical guru but if you have a battery drain it could be linked to the HEVAC, maybe final stage resistor shorted, you could try pulling the fuses and/or relays for this and see if it makes a difference, am sure a electrical wizard will be along shortly with more in depth advice.
Hmmmm, my fan in the E Box has never started on connection of a battery...was the ignition key in at the time??

nope, it stayed on as well for a while but i then disconnected the battery altogether, my wiring going into the E box looks new or taped up with black insulation tape as does much of the other wiring under the bonnet so i am wondering if this is another pointer towards more problems to come. will my allcomms help with electrical issues if it ever turns up

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