There was a post about cluster lights recently....have a search...can't remember the remedy - wasn't major - fuse or loose connection I believe

As for this rattle/knock - if it is getting worse, might be worth while getting it looked at, first off, check the engine oil for colour and viscosity, old oil is useless and starts to have the lubricating capacity of water...if it is old and brown (against a dark straw/dark tan) might be worth while replacing it...

Some have had results using a slightly thicker oil like 5W/40 (it is on the recommended list) as opposed to a 0W oil....

been searching the instrument cluster but no luck yet, trying to find a fuse map to tell me what fuse is what, think i have it in the manual

i was told it had a service just before i got it, which i think they bought a service kit from ****part. i think there is a receipt somewhere for the oil, probably happy shopper

found quite a few references to vanos and cam chain tensioners etc.
also mention of a valve that stops the oil draining back from the filter housing

time for bed, start doing battle again tomorrow, thanks for your input mate, it is very much appreciated
well it may be time to conclude this thread and start over with my instrument cluster lights..
we fitted the front airsprings in what turned out to be torrential rain but we persevered and now the system seems to be fault free.......for now
its a little slow filling and adjusting to different heights which may be down to the compressor being tired after its been thrashed trying to keep up with leaky air springs but i have a service kit anyway.
both front springs had leaks, one was severe.

the only hitch is the second strut we fitted, the brass air inlet union that screws into the plastic thread on the strut didnt seem to fully tighten up to a stop where as the first one did but it seems ok.

many many thanks for everyone's help and input and especially saintv8

the allcomms has already proved invaluable already so well worth the wait

see you all in my next thread hopefully

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