Problem will come if it gets a nudge on the front end. It looks all connected. Unless the insurance company have seen it and accepted the mods you won't get that repaired.
Well, this would be why i shouldnt post pics on forums. Everyones a critic

Thanks to those with possitive comments, to the others ......Its probably best i dont say anything

Don't know which way you took my comment. The car looks ok. But getting it repaired if you have a bit of a front end bump maybe a big problem.
The Mods are all declared as i do with all my cars. I am not 17!

I have a few things to change ( bad chrome RR badges, black mirrors etc) but i like it or i wouldnt have got it. It was not bought, i swapped it for an American dayvan that i needed rid of.

I dont mind "not to my taste" "preffer standard look" type comments but anyreal need for the insults ? And why is it usually the "senior" members that are guilty?

I really was not going to post this pic, and really wish i hadnt. And i was just saying last night that Landyzone seemed a friendly forum......Hmmm!
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It's still a white P38 from the back, still going to have P38 issues and by the time you want to sell it on, the real thing will be affordable to many prospective buyers - what's the point?

Are you saying that in a year or so a Range Rover sport will be available for the same money as my fake fronted p38? I certainly hope so, as i will just scrap this and get a real sport !:confused:

Cheers !
The Mods are all declared as i do with all my cars. I am not 17!

I have a few things to change ( bad chrome RR badges, black mirrors etc) but i like it or i wouldnt have got it. It was not bought, i swapped it for an American dayvan that i needed rid of.

I dont mind "not to my taste" "preffer standard look" type comments but anyreal need for the insults ? And why is it usually the "senior" members that are guilty?

I really was not going to post this pic, and really wish i hadnt. And i was just saying last night that Landyzone seemed a friendly forum......Hmmm!

I didn't see any real insults,when some of the members on here get going you get real real insults:eek:
If it's as well done as it looks in the photo, then well and good, not something I would buy though:)
I'm usually the first to deride P38 conversions, but as a few others have said, that one somehow works! Good effort - not something I would personally do, but it's the best P38 conversion I've seen by a long way.
By the way Kev, you should haver seen the abuse I got for daring to change the radio cassette for a dab unit on a standard apart from lpg high mileage autobiography, these seniors seem to have "Meldrew Syndrome" towards us juniors. They have their uses sometimes tho, especially when it comes to P38 "foibles" It's YOUR car, I say f*** em. If you know who did that conversion, pass it on, I'd certainly consider it.
By the way Kev, you should haver seen the abuse I got for daring to change the radio cassette for a dab unit on a standard apart from lpg high mileage autobiography, these seniors seem to have "Meldrew Syndrome" towards us juniors. They have their uses sometimes tho, especially when it comes to P38 "foibles" It's YOUR car, I say f*** em. If you know who did that conversion, pass it on, I'd certainly consider it.

I've experienced this on forums before, just not been a regular on one in a while. The conversion was done somewere down south, but it was a complete mess aparently. The guy i got it from had it all blended at a bodyshop in Galasheils. it looks great but i am worried about it cracking. Gonna have to be very carefull when parking!
... And i was just saying last night that Landyzone seemed a friendly forum......Hmmm!

it is. These guys will go a long way to help other members here - people they've never met. Relax, don't be too precious and enjoy the place!

This as a relative noob who hasn't been flamed too much yet!

Car looks good too. Not my bag, but it doesn't need to be. If you have pride in it, that's all that's important.
AND YOU DRIVE????:rolleyes:

Listen kids, you post on here for the grown-ups to read, you invite opinions - and you get them. Don't start having hissy-fits because they differ from your own.

This is the point of a forum such as this, a step up from the Beano perhaps, but here we are free to debate, opine and offer and solicit advice as and when we feel free.

If you don't like it................

By the way son, I drive an old crappy P38 4.6 - could change it, but won't, could buy a newer motor, but won't - that's just how i like it, now let me get back to my crossword and a Werthers original
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Listen kids, you post on here for the grown-ups to read, you invite opinions - and you get them. Don't start having hissy-fits because they differ from your own.

This is the point of a forum such as this, a step up from the Beano perhaps, but here we are free to debate, opine and offer and solicit advice as and when we feel free.

If you don't like it................

By the way son, I drive an old crappy P38 4.6 - could change it, but won't, could buy a newer motor, but won't - that's just how i like it, now let me get back to my crossword and a Werthers original
Pass'em round yer tight git..!!!:D:D:D

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