
Well-Known Member
So as the title says, the centre nut on the fuel injection pump that you shouldn't undo.... Yep you guessed I undid it. FFS.
Thought it had to be removed when removing the timing chest .

Anyways, I took detailed photos of it before it was removed and comparing the photo with the markings at end of the FIP shaft shows it hasn't moved in comparison to the hub.

I suspect the hub has never been removed from the shaft, I think it's probably corroded to it and stopped it from turning when the nut was removed.

Have I been lucky or can you not use the markings at the end of the FIP shaft to guage movement?
Depends what engine I believe.
Think 200 is keyed, 300 auto isn't, 300 manual might be?
Simply try and start it, no go means youve ballsed up, all you need ia a dtc style timing kit off of ebay and you can fix it yourself, vids on youtube.

Spare 200 inj pump in my garage does indeed have a keyway groove, I cant comment on the pulley as I dont have a spare one..
Many thanks for the advice.

I'm a long way off starting the engine as I'm in the middle of a rebuild.

I do hope mine has a keyed groove.

Fingers crossed it will start in N months time...
My na has a key. You should be able to get a timing pin for the FIP to get it back in the right place.
Yes tapered fit, I took mine off to fit to another pump thinking there would be a keyway but no.
Have to get it timed up if it moves but its a pretty tight fit so probably all will be ok

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