Blue Beasty was dissing yer cake.

I was sticking up for ya....

Can I have his now?:eek:

Told ya ratty, you get as much cake as you want ,for giving me a good ,thick, length of pipe, which did the job so well and with so much satisfaction ;) :D
Told ya ratty, you get as much cake as you want ,for giving me a good ,thick, length of pipe, which did the job so well and with so much satisfaction ;) :D

I feel honoured to have slipped you a length...

of pipe.:D:D:D
The length that Ratty gave me was magnificent, well over 10" long and with great girth ..........certainly did the job much faster than what I'd used before ;)
Use a hair dryer to remove the stickers, bit of heat and they will peel off then use it on your perm...
how dis this turn into a form of porn with lots of cake and mud wrestling.

I started the thread and the friendly banter so i want ring side seats, my own un sticky mag if it exists and definately the biggest slice of cake which has to be chocolate.

Oh and thanks for the tip about a hair dryer somewhere in amongst it all. Prob being i don't have one ladies.
how dis this turn into a form of porn with lots of cake and mud wrestling.

I started the thread and the friendly banter so i want ring side seats, my own un sticky mag if it exists and definately the biggest slice of cake which has to be chocolate.

Oh and thanks for the tip about a hair dryer somewhere in amongst it all. Prob being i don't have one ladies.

So many of the members rallied round and I think it's called bolstering your spirits after yer bad news ... most would just call it ****-taking :)
yeh that's how i seen it but don't know the guys which is why i want the ring side seats.
i can work out the weakest and exploit lol.

Plus my mrs has always had this thing about mud wrestling so providing there's another girl somewhere scantly clad to take her on, i'm there. But she ain't no push over i warn ya. Bleedin strong mare she is.
I've spoken with the seller.. did that from the side of the rd right after the bang, but he's a little despondent and evasive as to responsibility in terms of offering to help sort or cover any of the costs to sort................ He's in a 4x4 club himself and i know some members on here know him so i'm hoping he'll offer some sort of help when it comes to the crunch... pardon the pun.

Don't want to look for my money back as i think it's a great machine, just not as it stands.

It's a shame the seller seems to be washing his hands over this.. Once you find out what exactly is wrong you may be in a stronger position- particularly if, as you suggest, the failure is something to do with recent work he had done.

I can't believe if he is genuine that he isn't prepared to at least consider some price adjustment.

How do you know the seller is known to members of LZ?
it was a member on her that initially went and gave it a look over as a way of helping me due to the distance.
This is in no way a reflection on him as i simply asked him to look it over for rust in all the obvious places and none of the usual engine probs with simple checks.
That he did and the landy was exactly as described by seller and reported back by him.
Hence the willingness to travel and spend the money regardless of mileage etc.
Was just wanting something fairly solid to begin with and with a few toys on. That i got thanks to him. Another member looked over one in hartlepool and thanks to him finding it was rotten it saved me a costly journey based on what seller was stating. Again... a great help and will always be gratefull to both.

I'm hoping he might be willing to make an adjustment when i get to what it is, but i get a strong feeling that he won't, and i can't just pop around there to DISCUSS either.
oh, and when he spoke to the guy it turns out he knew him and his girlfriend from joint club events in that area and regular chats etc anyhow.
That's the shortened version of how i know he's known to LZ members.

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