A 20+ yr old Freelander will be rusty and you can't deny that.
Do you know it’s history?

yes there will be some rust I am sure, but it doesn’t put it in the realms of “rusty” or ”junk”, does it?

Good to see you back :)

My '99 L Series is still boringly reliable after 12 years+ of ownership.

I don't have the salt induced rust issues over here though.

I can't recall ever replacing any suspension bits - bushes, joints, arms etc. Its not very high mileage, about 150k miles, but is 24 years old! Mind you I do now have a persistent clunk that isn't fixing itself, so I'm probably going to have to look at that - I imagine its the LH drop link, or maybe the roll bar bushes - its mainly when the LH wheel goes over a hole or bump.

Its a shame this old girl is exactly not what you're looking for in terms of engine, doors, facelift, erm location! and probably price cos they want £3.5k for it. Stunning example of an early K Series car and probably worth every cent they are asking for it. I bet its almost as clean underneath as the day it left the factory.


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Hi Mate! I come from the 'other' Christchurch but have always been tempted by the new one over there...
Are these atchualy any good?
I'm after a project for the winter, thinking series 3 .
However I'm considering anything really.
Series 3 rovers are very expensive....
I had a very nice series 3 :

It was very solid, only rust was a passenger floor and a single outrigger, both of which I replaced. It was still dead unreliable, dead horrid to drive if you appreciate any form of comfort or progress. But I'd love it back. It's still on the road and owned by the people I sold it too!
10 years ago when I last looked at Freelanders, there were plenty of dogs, but none rusty. I don't think I've ever seen a rusty one. Has time caught up with them?
10 years ago when I last looked at Freelanders, there were plenty of dogs, but none rusty. I don't think I've ever seen a rusty one. Has time caught up with them?
Yeah, they are rusting from the inside out now fast, most of the FL1 are in a bad way judging by what I've cut up in the scrap yard....
Inside the Pilar's is particularly bad after about 17 years or so.
Is that the early models or facelifts? I only like facelift ones tbh but I did have an L series Anniversary model once upon a time
Is it the body or just the bolts and stuff underneath etc?
Bolts and other fixings seem to suffer worst, but the body can develop rust if winter salt isn't washed off properly. Thankfully lots owners do look after them, and many take steps to reduce rusting.
There are also the occasional gem out there, where they've never seen a salty road, so rusting isn't an issue. I've never owned a badly rusty one. The Freelander 2 seems more prone to rust, especially the rear wheel arches.

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