Witch can be bypassed in 2seconds

would take longer than 2 seconds to find and bypass........ and you never know may be enough to deter an opportunist

alarms cab be bypassed

claws can be bypassed

diskloks can be bypassed

removeable steering wheel can be bypassed

ignition lock can be bypassed

and magic by witch or for that matter wizard can be bypassed :) yep hate iphone predictive text too lol

which means we shouldn't bother with any????

nothing is foolproof but every step makes the next motor an easier target

cheers steve
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some defences may be easily bypassed, but they all take an extra couple of seconds/minutes, possibly enough to deter all buy the most persistent of thieves, longer they are working on it, the more chance of getting nabbed.
At the end of the day, if they really want it they could just lift it onto a flatbed in a few minutes. I just hope my security is enough to make them look for an easier target, I fit my disclock even if popping into the shops for 5 minutes.
3 seconds? Without making lots of noise which would wake the neighbourhood?

Fancy a little wager? :)

Yes I do

1 loud bang and it's off with a little fettling, providing the rest of the car is ready to go it's off and so is the car
Geez guys stop the ****ing contest..

They cant be "bypassed" ..... you are talking in most cases forcibly removing or removing dash etc to get to the gubbins or disabling the device which is made as difficult as possible.

Its obvious given time anything will be overcome but as said its time taken and noise/effort which reduces the risks. Disclock is one of the better items..

You can stick everything on there then some nobber will say "ohhh they just need to come with a crane... simples"

Well yes they do and admittedly that has happened, but what are the chances ?
Yes I do

1 loud bang and it's off with a little fettling, providing the rest of the car is ready to go it's off and so is the car

1 loud bang, half the neighbourhood is awake, all the other landy owners on the street are at their doors with their shotguns... then... assuming you've already got it started, you just need to sluggishly drive 2.5 tons of scrap metal away before anyone can stop you.

Hmm... i think my money is fairly safe.

have you taken into account that a lot of Disklok owners modify them too?
Tested time by autoexpress is over 1:30secs on a Disklok.

And lots of noise and tools etc.

http://www.ovat.be/Artikels/Steering Locks test by AutoExpress.pdf

I would be interested in why you believe its so easy... Beacuse i rely on my disklok.

They certainly seem to be a deterrent to the common "have a go" car criminal, but the truth is if it's going to go it's going to go!!

A lot of cars around Alderly Edge went missing in a short space of time, all top end apparently worthless without the key? What they did was steal the car but left all 4 wheels on the drive!! They got passed electric security gates, no car alarms ever went off and none of the cars were ever recovered!? Make, model or extra security made no difference.
Why worry if they are insured? A disclock and tracker and alarm is enough for me, if they want it and can get past them then at least I've got an insurance pay out!
They certainly seem to be a deterrent to the common "have a go" car criminal, but the truth is if it's going to go it's going to go!!

A lot of cars around Alderly Edge went missing in a short space of time, all top end apparently worthless without the key? What they did was steal the car but left all 4 wheels on the drive!! They got passed electric security gates, no car alarms ever went off and none of the cars were ever recovered!? Make, model or extra security made no difference.

Well if your opinion is it's going to go anyway, why don't you leave the keys in the ignition and leave it unlocked... you know, help um out a bit.

Incidently, where do you live? Think i'd be quite safe living next door to you :)
would take longer than 2 seconds to find and bypass........ and you never know may be enough to deter an opportunist

alarms cab be bypassed

claws can be bypassed

diskloks can be bypassed

removeable steering wheel can be bypassed

ignition lock can be bypassed

and magic by witch or for that matter wizard can be bypassed :) yep hate iphone predictive text too lol

which means we shouldn't bother with any????

nothing is foolproof but every step makes the next motor an easier target

cheers steve

I was not talking about disklok
Or any other security. You said about the wire

You don't need to find it to bypass it that's the whole point of bypassing
And my point is it will take more than 2 seconds to get in try n start realise the starter won't go on the key, get underneath with cable to run 12 volts or try n bump realise fuel solenoid isn't live try n jury rig or tow away

Either that or crooks round your way are incredibly fast.....

As stated no security is foolproof but compare the above to a vehicle with nothing and I know which I'd be happier trying to nick
Why worry if they are insured?

Good point after all insurance companies are happy to pay out the full value of your loss, and wouldn't dream of upping your loading the following year due to a claim (protected NCB or not) and will ensure you are back on the road immediately with no inconvenience, no silly offers, no frustrated phone calls cos they are all wonderful :)

However back here on planet earth is another story just look at all the insurance not paying enough and problem posts that regularly appear...

Cheers steve
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Well if your opinion is it's going to go anyway, why don't you leave the keys in the ignition and leave it unlocked... you know, help um out a bit.

Incidently, where do you live? Think i'd be quite safe living next door to you :)

I lock my car in the work carpark but very rare if ever I lock my car when I'm at home and no way I could be bothered to carry around a huge metal ladybird to clamp over my steering wheel every day??

the only time I ever pay attention to ensuring the car is locked is when I have my shotgun in the boot!
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A 200db alarm linked to it's own backup battery via a latching relay and trembler switch, mounted inside the vehicle as far back as possible in it's own metal box.

It is armed/disarmed by a hidden key switch which is wired into the relay circuit as NC. If the circuit is broken the alarm goes off, and can be heard 2 streets down!

I defy anyone to remain inside when it goes off.

I forgot to disarm it when I removed the battery ... but only the once!!
If they want it, they WILL get it


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