
New Member

I have a Range Rover 2003 Vogue TD6.

I'm having a few issues and after trying to fault find on my own, I've ended up no where, so one requires your knowledge to point me in the right direction.

Firstly, the EAS is acting slightly strange. The front-right corner of the car drops sometimes all the way to the bump stop. I assume it's the airbag that needs changed but I cannot seem to find an obvious leak. When the EAS decides to not be inactive and operates, there is slight clicking when the vehicles raises up, it sounds like it's the suspension rather than the compressor. On every height level, the front-right corner seems to hang lower than all of the other corners, but only slightly, if it hasn't decided to just slam in to the bump stop on the occasional morning.

I always get the HDC inactive as I start the car and the suspension never goes in to highway mode when I'm on the motorway. I'm not sure if this is related?

Secondly, the wind mirrors seems out of sync, I've tried double pressing the button to get the mirrors to somehow line up but I'm lucky if one of the mirrors actually stay folded, otherwise they both just move back to unfolded position.

Thirdly, the air con keeps ****ing out and I can't seem to find out where. My mechanics said he dumped dye in there to find a leak but he said he didn't stop anything suspicious. I went over the engine bay with a UV light but didn't find anything. Any ideas?

Fourthly, this car had it's gearbox changed a while ago. It's all running fine except I feel that when I'm stationary and the car is still in 'D', it feels as if the car is trying to lurch forward more than you'd expect. Perhaps this is just me?

Also, what size bulbs do I need for the LCD display for the instrument cluster? They don't light up anymore so probably blown.

Well, that's my list of problems. Shower me with your knowledge please!
first things first, I would say get an all comms, it will save you £££'s and hours .

Air bag, raise to off road and spray really soapy water on it and look for bubbles or wait for allcomms
Clicking noise is more likely suspension arms
If the suspension is playing up then some functionality could be lost , what lights do you have in the control switch ?

HDC points towards low / duff battery, if batteries low the idle speed is raised to 1000 ish to charge battery which causes the creep when sitting in drive, idle on my 4.4 is about 450 rpm.

My air con was condenser which is common but I had to pay a specialist air con engineer to come and check with a camera I think ( wasn't there) as the kwik fit machine couldn't even detect a leak
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I get the HDC message sometimes. I think it is due to my crap battery.

Aircon for me had the gas but the magnetic clutch unscrewed itself so it was just a case of popping it back on. For me it rested on the engine cover although it possibly could have fallen out somewhere on the road. So look up the air compressor assembly on RAVE and verify that you have your components in order.

As per mirrors I'm still tackling mine. One of the motors in mirror moves around due to snapped pins in the casing. Seems very insignificant although it moves the motor and kicks the mirrors out of sync. Check out my thread for updates.

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