
Ok!, so in August coming uphill form Marbella with an empty trailor in tow, the car went up to red and the header tank split, (its a 1994 disco ES 300 tdi),
evidentially failed viscous, new one fitted, ended up needing a new head which I had fitted , radiator in good cond , waterpump like new!, system bled 2 or 3 times since, heater temps are fine,
still getting up to just below red driving gently up long hills, then I can hear the viscous cut in and the temp drops to just over half way,
then subsequently goes up agian and repeats this, this always goes on on slow long uphill drives on motorways etc, engine under strain but still at around 2500rpm max 3000,
Maybe this is normal this is what I am here to you Oh wise ones!!!
but in warmer days with my trailor loaded I am sure I am going to do some damage, surely my car should be able to cope better than this???
any ideas??​
How do you know the radiator is good condition? Have you had it out and checked that all the fins are present and not clogged full of mud? Have you flushed it through and got a good flow of cleanr water?
How do you know the radiator is good condition? Have you had it out and checked that all the fins are present and not clogged full of mud? Have you flushed it through and got a good flow of cleanr water?

shoving a hosepipe in the exp tank ,I am getting clean water good flow at topof thermostat housing,
do I need to remove the rad ??and test separately??
Just because you get clean water out of it doesnt mean it isnt blocked matey, when the engine is hot is the whole rad hot or have you got any cold/cool parts.
Radiators tend to block up from the bottom as all the silt from the engine settles in it, they tend to act as a filter.

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