I'll sort that out..............................just remind me closer the time.................or do you want one foer every single member and their families tomorrow?
Name tags! Absolutely.

By Sat my brain reached critical mass and dumped all stored info....had to keep looking at my hoody to remember who I was :eek:

I had the good fortune of going A over T, so I was lucky, during the journey I could see my name on my underpants, St Michael just didn't seem to ring a bell though!
Aye name tags would be a good idea cos I dunno who half of you lot were and some peeps I missed altogether not realising they were there. ..

On the whole pretty much a good trip. ... the portaloo was in walking distance of the 110 so that was not a problem.

Think small merchandise should be available. ... key rings, pin badges, Wristbands, possibly even stuff for the kids pencils etc Although the merchandise available at the moment is fine I think smaller items may sell better than the larger.... I have to admit lees (accy relative) fathering skills are class.... give the kid a fiver so he can put his bottle of fruit shoot in it. :D

I can't complain about anything really which makesa change :rolleyes: I thoroughly enjoyed the weekend and will hopefully be at the next lot. :D
although the lz lot wernt dancers and im guessing from the kind comments the tunes were spot on..

how about if I get asked bk for another doing karaoke?
might break the ice a bit

although its not to everyones taste tho some like it some don't

I am just off out tonight to do a rock disco and rock karaoke which could be interesting

anyway whats yr thoughts?
although the lz lot wernt dancers and im guessing from the kind comments the tunes were spot on..

how about if I get asked bk for another doing karaoke?
might break the ice a bit

although its not to everyones taste tho some like it some don't

I am just off out tonight to do a rock disco and rock karaoke which could be interesting

anyway whats yr thoughts?

id be up for that did plenty of singing that night my throat's still sore..:D:D
Oh yes ...

Though as you saw some of my dancing, my singing is, well, lets say I ain't a professional .. :)
Well I suppose I should add something here. For me the weekend was very good and most enjoyable there are a few things id like to see next year but there absence certainlly didn't make the event much less enjoyable.

1. More toys, what about people try and make a little engineering project for the weekend that we could play with or use as toilet taxis.
2. Tannoy so that people no whats going on all the time rather than having to try and work it out.
3. Some awards for various friendly competitions held over the weekend. aka shed of the show, best mod, best video, best picture.
4. My landy getting there.
5. Better attendance from Freelanders, Series, and non P38 Rangies. None of those groups was well represented in my view, now how to persuade them to come I have no idea.
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Well I suppose I should add something here. For me the weekend was very good and most enjoyable there are a few things id like to see next year but there absence certainlly didn't make the event much less enjoyable.

2. Tannoy so that people no whats going on all the time rather than having to try and work it out.

What might be less obtrusive to the neighbours than a tannoy was a free app a few of us were using while there called zello, it turned our mobiles into walkie talkies.
A separate channel could be set up just for announcements?
Well I suppose I should add something here. For me the weekend was very good and most enjoyable there are a few things id like to see next year but there absence certainlly didn't make the event much less enjoyable.

1. More toys, what about people try and make a little engineering project for the weekend that we could play with or use as toilet taxis.
2. Tannoy so that people no whats going on all the time rather than having to try and work it out.
3. Some awards for various friendly competitions held over the weekend. aka shed of the show, best mod, best video, best picture.
4. My landy getting there.
5. Better attendance from Freelanders, Series, and non P38 Rangies. None of those groups was well represented in my view, now how to persuade them to come I have no idea.

1. We've done work and maintenance on Landies on the club stand at shows before, that's worked quite well.
2. The organisers would have to know first :p
3. Did want to do this and probably would have if my ebay account wasn't on hold so bought single malt instead of trophies with a donation.
4. Get it sorted then :p
5. Put a fair bit of thought and effort into this one but didn't get very far. Hoping with the feedback that more will see it really is intended as a family event rather than a tratterer mudfest.

WLM......toons were spot on and gave just the right atmosphere. Dunno how kariokee would go.......either with a bang or with a soggy flop, difficult to say
I see these things as a meeting of people rather than a LR show so if it's 85% tratters it's just representative of the member's rides I can't see much point in trying to balance it. The Beastywagon was there - what more could you want? :)
Part krapiokie and part tunes should work well. Will encourage more people to the marquee to see who's being tortured, which will encourage people to drink more for dutch courage to sing next and drown out the horror just heard, which in turn will encourage more dad-dancing later on to the tunes.

I myself will have to be that drunk that I can't physically speak or stand, so you will all be spared that particular trauma.
What I think would be much more useful is to hear from those members who didn't attend. It would really help to get an idea of what the reasons were...honestly....just to see if we can address some of those issues. Know some had plans or were working but what about the rest of you ?
2. Tannoy so that people no whats going on all the time rather than having to try and work it out.

A bit more interpersonal communication rather than trying to rely on the sporadic (at best) interwebs, part of my job at wicks is speaking to customers but barring three or four members I hadn't prevoiusly met, I felt uncomfortable speaking to folk (... and I very much doubt if anybody would have recognised me in person. :D).
3 reasons:

1) distance - Along way to, prospectively, get a broken motor back home.
2) accommodation - some of us will not camp.
3) timing - the wife is heavily involved in elections at this time of year.

a bi-annual event in 2 different location would be a good idea, particularly with a choice of accommodation.

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