Bloody hell im not suggesting two a year :eek:

Im talking about having a once every two year split btw north and south...... I just think its way too much work and also you lose the element of bargaining the price down for repeat yearly business too. I said.....contacted 42 sites as far north as derby , doncaster and wales and got no joy...good luck to anyone else I say.

Have to say I actually don't think the location could be bettered member travelled from the lake district in v8 :eek:
If it's something you value then you plan and save and attend. If you can't be arsed and you don't value it you won't even attend if it was 20 miles away
Well worth a trek for the cake alone! :)
Well I think the distance were about right - we trundled up and down albeit in the relative luxury of the Land Rover Passat.

Even managed to bung a trip in to the National Space Centre on Sunday fer the sproglati - they loved the whole weekend - the mud, the LANDYS and the ovver LZ sprogs!

Oh, here's anuvver vidjo....
A little looky round the site from the front of Flatlander's county.

Oh... any chance of the tomato soup cake recipe - SWMBO is pouting that I ain't got it for her yet!! Perleese, preddy purlease...
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Tomato Soup Cake Recipe

1 tin of condensed tomato soup
1 teaspoon of bicarb
200g caster sugar
1 egg
75g unsalted butter
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 (half) teaspoon of ground cloves
200g self raising flour
145g raisins

Oven at gas mark 3 in a greased 10" tin

1) put soup and bicarb into a bowl, mix and let it stand
2) other bowl - cream sugar, egg,butter,cinnamon and cloves .
3) Mix in the soup /bicarb mixture into above mixture
4)Mix in flour and then stir in the raisins
5) Pour into tin
6) Bake for one hour til skewer clean
7) when cool , cover in cream cheese icing.

100g butter, softened
300g soft cheese
100g icing sugar, sifted
1 tsp vanilla extract

all mixed together .

Enjoy :)
Basically you need more tickets sold and less overheads.

Keep the existing site and get more out of it.

Getting donations from LZ members for items to be used on the weekend worked fine, do it again.

Price was too cheap for a vehicle plus occupants, another fiver wouldn't hurt anyone and would make a difference.

You need to double the numbers, and that should be do-able, given this year's experience.

We all had a decent weekend despite the weather, and are most definitely looking forward to the next one.

Thank you. SWMBO thinks you is on tha latest vidjo walking across towards marquee quite late on in vid.
Lister I agree and 2015 is long away to hone the formula of event
Thank you. SWMBO thinks you is on tha latest vidjo walking across towards marquee quite late on in vid.

I can't even blag that the video puts a stone on me as you all saw me in real life :eek: and OMG - a damp weekend and long hair makes for a very frizzy interesting look :eek:
Well I think there are some constructive comments there. For quite a few it was a hectic weekend but well worth it. As I said before the effort put in by the members that helped was fantastic. The donations where great and played a big part particularly the Generator (which I didn't get chance to thank Lister for personally) and the Disco.
As mentioned by BB there where some pretty major dramas only 10 days before and the weekend didn't happen. Originally we asked for the Large Marquee to be on the far side of the field away from the Camp Site. This would have been near the toilets and showers, which had to be in that location for water supply. This arrangement got missed and the Marquee company erected the unit where it was. All things that should be controllable next time.

Keep the ideas coming. We want to get something booked and get into soon to make things a little more professional.
Well I think there are some constructive comments there. For quite a few it was a hectic weekend but well worth it. As I said before the effort put in by the members that helped was fantastic. The donations where great and played a big part particularly the Generator (which I didn't get chance to thank Lister for personally) and the Disco.
As mentioned by BB there where some pretty major dramas only 10 days before and the weekend didn't happen. Originally we asked for the Large Marquee to be on the far side of the field away from the Camp Site. This would have been near the toilets and showers, which had to be in that location for water supply. This arrangement got missed and the Marquee company erected the unit where it was. All things that should be controllable next time.

Keep the ideas coming. We want to get something booked and get into soon to make things a little more professional.

Positive feedback ; -) 2015 here we go ;-)
Bloody hell im not suggesting two a year :eek:

Im talking about having a once every two year split btw north and south...... I just think its way too much work and also you lose the element of bargaining the price down for repeat yearly business too. I said.....contacted 42 sites as far north as derby , doncaster and wales and got no joy...good luck to anyone else I say.

Have to say I actually don't think the location could be bettered member travelled from the lake district in v8 :eek:
If it's something you value then you plan and save and attend. If you can't be arsed and you don't value it you won't even attend if it was 20 miles away

whoops misunderstood :eek:

good points!
I'm willing to help too as long as it's not too mentally taxing :D Also don't make it in June cos I will have exams then :mad:
After telling the wife about everything she said even she might come to the next one, and she doesn't do camping, mud or even landies really.
I think it was great for the 1st one (of many I hope)

LZ has a huge host of skills and resources to tap into. And to share the load.
People would be happy to help out and do a stint cooking, picking up, Cake stand etc just so everyone gets a chance to chill out. It's our event so we should own it and take part.

The bar I didn't think was too bad on price and I thought they had a reasonable selection of stuff other than beer. But it's always going to be cheaper to go to Tesco.
I think an honesty bar would work at small events but not when it grows.

The schedule of events posted in the main tent is a top idea. With a mix of stuff everyone, kids, family (maybe non landy buffs) and full on geek stuff.

A few ice breakers maybe, and Name tags would be a great help.

With the raffle, I know I did well ;) but I'm sure the good folks of LZ now doubt has a huge treasure trove of goodies gathering dust that would as gold to someone else.

The north south idea... I can see if it gets really big in a few years maybe, but not yet.
And I agree with 110Women "If it's something you value then you plan and save and attend. If you can't be arsed and you don't value it you won't even attend if it was 20 miles away"

The loos being closer and if there was an option for a different config more posh loos and less showers would be good.

WLM did a great job on the disco and lights.

Great venue and the staff I came into contact with where very helpful and polite. So to be invited back... win win win :)
Name tags! Absolutely.

By Sat my brain reached critical mass and dumped all stored info....had to keep looking at my hoody to remember who I was :eek:

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