Like I said before, perhaps a schedule of events with approximate timings etc so people whose never met anyone and perhaps a bit shy can know when to get out of bed and amble up. Nothing major, just an A4 folded with things like;

Friday - biolandy - tent 2 - 2pm
Saturday - Poppy make up- 4pm - tent 1
Saturday - BB - workshop -4pm - near entrance
Etc etc
also it sounds like a mobile garage would be useful to fix the issues people had on the way there :lol:
Like I said before, perhaps a schedule of events with approximate timings etc so people whose never met anyone and perhaps a bit shy can know when to get out of bed and amble up. Nothing major, just an A4 folded with things like;

Ditto. I think a couple of people missed out on the group photo! And I know I missed the running of the bulls, or whatever it was at 6am!!
Ditto. I think a couple of people missed out on the group photo! And I know I missed the running of the bulls, or whatever it was at 6am!!

We missed the photo because we thought you were gathering for the laning. Too embarrassed to shout "wait for meeee!" So sulked in the tent whilst rubbing ointment on hips. Saw the cows though and got pics. Well funny.
Like I said before, perhaps a schedule of events with approximate timings etc so people whose never met anyone and perhaps a bit shy can know when to get out of bed and amble up. Nothing major, just an A4 folded with things like;

Friday - biolandy - tent 2 - 2pm
Saturday - Poppy make up- 4pm - tent 1
Saturday - BB - workshop -4pm - near entrance
Etc etc

+1, also if they could get the beer on site in time for it to settle?
From what I saw it couldn't have gone much better for a first attempt, the facilities were excellent and the venue was superb! I imagine next year's do will have a huge attendance and be more 'visible' to the other guests on the caravan site so maybe marshalling the parking/camping might be an idea just to keep things neat. Other than that, as already said, a schedule of events and higher ticket prices are in order and a few trade stands and/or displays would add interest. Can't wait!
Was a great weekend. Venue was fairly good too and the portable toilets/showers were of great standards, the hot showers were much appreciated in that weather :D . That being said another venue could be good perhaps a little more northern for some different green lanes/terrain? A clearer schedule for what is happening on each day would also be good with rough times perhaps pinned up in the main tent or something so everyone knows what's happening. As others have suggested a few trade stands would be good too.
Please make the next one a week later in May, otherwise it's going to clash with my grandaughter's birthday again.
Please make the next one a week later in May, otherwise it's going to clash with my grandaughter's birthday again.

Hoping to have it a little later next year just for you :p might even get better weather as an unlooked for bonus ;)
was a brilliant event to be fair , met a few people and enjoyed it immensely, the campsite and facilities were excellent and the event had a real family feel to it
I don't think it could have gone better for the first attempt although a few of us were disappointed with the turn out , despite the huge numbers on this forum there wernt that many there :eek:

despite a few "encounters" with not mentioned ditches and deep mud everything went perfectly and I took no damage so that's the icing on the cake

unfortunately the hybrid series 3 blew his engine on the way home though
Site was fantastic, speshully up under the trees, past where LR110 got stuck in the ring feeder hole...

Toilets too far away (Niblet/Mrs Bushwwacker) couldn't get there from a cold start with her back - I drove her... :behindsofa:

Beer was steep... £1.80/pint up here.

Pulled onto site and the barmaid was the first person who acknowledged us (of a dozen ish folk in the tent), BB was spot on once he was sent for. ;)
Unclear who were members/site staff/organising commitee.

We didn't hear anything about the P & P on sunday other than a rumour on here - we came away on sunday morning 'cos we thought it was more or less over.

Top and bottom of it is that it was a bloody good weekend on a great site, better/some/more communication would improve things, appn next time, now our faces are known things might be better...

A Northern and Southern do would be good as long as folk make the effort
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Well... what can me and mine say... nowt that ain't bin said. Bloody top weekend. Sign us up fer next one reet now!

SWMBO says sorry to Poppy for missing her. I fink that were down to us lads off playing in't mud and making mucky n moist vidjos.

She also says.... shes a posh packer and would never do mud or tents so it has te be a pod or at tha least a tin tent.
Can't fault it, though as we had a caravan we didn't really use many of the facilities other than during saturday nights dancing!

Only things I'd want to improve would be a schedule of events as already suggested with rough timings and maybe an event tannoy to announce stuff happening. It all happened word of mouth but was as much fun for that I guess! ;)

WLM back again, awesome set.
I had a great time and no complaints about anything.

However, to answer some points made in this thread with my views on those points:-

Shower/loos too far away- set up camp closer next time then.
Beer too expensive- bring yer own, worked well enough for friday night.
Location needs to be further north/south- It was a middlish place for the majority and more important it was the ONLY place that would have us:eek:

I suppose name badges might have helped.
And a schedule of events, but I think most of it was made up as it went along.
I had a great time and no complaints about anything.

However, to answer some points made in this thread with my views on those points:-

Shower/loos too far away- set up camp closer next time then.
Beer too expensive- bring yer own, worked well enough for friday night.
Location needs to be further north/south- It was a middlish place for the majority and more important it was the ONLY place that would have us:eek:

I suppose name badges might have helped.
And a schedule of events, but I think most of it was made up as it went along.

to be fair you could not win with that as if you camped closer to the toilets/showers you would be away from the entrance/marquee/campsite or other people
I don't have any complaints really as when I needed to go I just drove there :D
to be fair you could not win with that as if you camped closer to the toilets/showers you would be away from the entrance/marquee/campsite or other people
I don't have any complaints really as when I needed to go I just drove there :D

There was a portaloo near the entrance/marquee or various fences/hedges for the blokes.

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